Page 74 of Jack

I thought for a minute. “Jack, I absolutely hate to ask this, but did you ever hook up with Addison?”

Jack made a pained face. “Not exactly.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’ve known Addison all my life, like since I was a kid. My mom and her mom are friends, and they always used to talk about how we should get married when we got older, shit like that. It was annoying, but I’m pretty sure it got into Addison’s head. She used to get really bent out of shape when I dated girls in junior high, but when I finally told her we weren’t going to get married, or whatever shit her mother was filling her head with, she left me alone. She hit on me a couple of times in high school, but I would not hook up with her. One time I was drunk at a party, at Casey’s actually, and she helped me into a bedroom and started making out with me. I responded for a couple of minutes but stopped when I realized it was her. I told her I would never fuck her. I’m not sure what happened after that because I was shit-faced and passed out, but she hasn’t hit on me since.”

I stared at him. “Holy shit, that’s quite a history. No wonder she acts like such a weirdo.”

“I guess, but she hasn’t done anything since that party and that was last year.”

“Wait, she’s one of Shelby’s best friends? Did Shelby know she liked you?”

“Probably. Shelby’s kind of a bitch, and it would make her feel good to know she got something someone else wanted.”

“God, what a terrible friend. At least that explains that random little speech at Rico’s about still being your friend.”

Jack nodded his head. “Yeah, I knew her before Shelby, but we were never really friends.”

“Did you know Casey, too?”

“Sure, we’ve known Casey almost as long, but from school, not our families.”

“So, that’s why she’d side with Addison instead of Shelby?”

Jack shrugged. “Yeah, Addison and Casey have been friends since grade school, but, like I said, I’m not really friends with them. I’ve never really been friends with any girl.”

I gulped, knowing the probable reason behind that now that he’d shared his past with me. “So, what are we going to do?”

Jack lifted me off his lap and stood up, then took my hand and he walked me down the stairs to the front door then pulled me in his arms. “We’re going to wait and see what Donovan comes up with and then get a plan together after we have more information.”

“God, I don’t even want to go to school tomorrow,” I said, tipping my head forward to rest on his chest. I felt him kiss the crown of my head.

“Don’t worry, Ava, no one will dare say shit to you tomorrow. I’ll guarantee it.”


“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it.”

I felt a lump in my throat at his vehemence. “Okay, I’ll trust you.”

He stared at me for a moment, letting my words sink in. “Good.” He turned his head and yelled in the general direction of the family room. “Good night Mr. and Mrs. Fisher. Thanks for the food.”

A series of good byes and no problems followed, and Jack grinned faintly in their direction. “Ava, please get some sleep tonight, okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. No more worrying.”

I nodded my head and he pulled me in for a long, deep kiss that was only halted due to the looming presence of my parents in the next room.

“Good night, Ava. Thank you,” he whispered in my ear as he hugged me.

“For what?”

“You know what.” Then he kissed me on the cheek and disappeared out the door.
