Page 7 of Jack

That was my original intention.

What actually happened was, I saw Ava push against Abrams’ chest with her left hand, attempting to create some space between them, then I saw his hand tighten on her waist in response.

I jumped off the couch and pushed between them.

“Move along, Abrams, she’s obviously not interested.”

Abrams gaped at me in disbelief. “What do you care?” His reaction wasn’t exactly unjustified. I’d never behaved like this over a girl, and he knew it.

I stepped toward him. “Just go.”

Abrams’ jaw flexed in irritation, but he knew I could dismantle him, so he wisely stepped back. “I needed to get another beer, anyway.” Sure, he did. “You’re an asshole, Becker,” Abrams griped over his shoulder as he made his way to the keg.

“No shit.”

I turned and found Ava staring me.


“What was all that about?” she asked.

“Nothing. You were pushing him away and he wasn’t getting the hint.” I shrugged, as if jumping in to help girls handle overzealous admirers was a common practice of mine.

Ava gave me a doubtful look then her lips curved in a slow, coy smile. “Do you want to dance with me?”

I stared down at her flushed face, the alcohol giving her a slightly sleepy look. Her light green eyes glistened as she drunkenly flirted with me. My eyes couldn’t help but take in the lightly tanned skin of her shoulders and the dip of her collar bones. Why was she so different? I had been with hot girls before, maybe hotter than Ava, but none of that mattered. Not to my dick and apparently, not to my head.

“Fuck no,” I finally responded, perhaps a little harshly.

Ava simply shrugged and smiled, then turned to dance with Hannah some more, as I stomped back to my seat next to Nikolai.

That was the seat I sat in for the rest of the night. I would like to say I was harmlessly watching Ava dance with Hannah for the rest of the night, but my behavior could mostly be described as watching over Ava, making sure she was safe and none of these other bastards thought they could take advantage of her while she was drunk.

I knew what they were thinking because I was thinking the same fucking thing.


Chapter 4


By the end of the night, Hannah and Ava were hugging and carrying on about their newly forged friendship borne out of drama, alcohol, and dancing. Nikolai finally put an end to their revelry.

“Alright, Hannah, we have to take off.”

Hannah nodded her head in agreement, clearly in the process of sobering up and realizing how late she was going to be getting home. “Can we drive Ava home? She drove here, but….” She gestured to Ava, who was definitely still tipsy. ?

As if possessed by some demon, I jumped in. “Hey, I got her. I’ll take her home.” Nikolai shot me a surprised look, then a knowing smirk.


“She doesn’t live far from me. It would just make more sense,” I lied. I had no idea where Ava lived.

Nikolai quickly accepted my offer, no doubt motivated by his desire to be alone with Hannah, his pretend girlfriend.

I wrapped my arm around Ava’s waist and pulled her to my side in order to guide her to my car. I expected her to resist my assistance, but she didn’t. She melted into my side, leaning her head on my shoulder. I felt a jolt of heat shooting to my groin at the feel of her soft breasts pressing against my side, the sweet scent of her hair teasing my nostrils. She should smell like stale beer and sweat, given how much she drank and danced, but she didn’t. She smelled fucking amazing.

God, since when did shampoo get my dick hard?