Page 7 of Forbidden Omega

I inhaled deeply and looked him in the eye, trying to be as strong as I could. “No, I’ve got this. I’ll text you later.” I waved off his concern, forcing some happiness onto my face even though I didn’t feel it.

All I felt was dread and fear.

Joey got up and gave me a firm hug, holding me tightly as I tried to rein in my emotions. “You’re gonna be okay, Connor. No matter what happens, you’ll be alright. I promise.”

I nodded against his shoulder even though I didn’t believe a word he was saying. There was almost no way in which this ended well for me or the baby I was most likely carrying.

As my mind raced with scenarios that seemed far-fetched and impossible to realize, I headed back to my room. I just needed to be alone for a little while while I processed my options.

Harem omegas could not have children with the alphas of the household. Especially not with the direct members of the family. It was forbidden.

Then again, so was falling for the alphas and spending time in the family’s private quarters. Clearly, I was shit at following the rules.



After I left Connor in my room, I spent the morning with my brothers going over various details regarding our business. That afternoon, I was sent out in the field, visiting production facilities along the coast and collecting payments. I used to enjoy being gone for days at a time because it gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted without my family standing over me in judgment.

I could travel, soak in the sights, let those who wanted the Ferrini family in their favor court me with fancy dinners and expensive booze.

But now, it just meant I didn’t get to see Connor.

That gorgeous, kind, silly omega had been worming his way under my skin for a long time, but lately, his pull had been getting harder to resist. I thought about him constantly and found myself looking for excuses to stay close to home so I was near him.

Maybe on my next trip, he could come along with me. It would be boring for him during the day, but we could spend our nights together. Until Joey had the baby, me and Orsino would be doing most of the traveling for the family.

It was just what we did for our family.

On this trip, we’d gotten some critical information about one of the businesses the Mennettis were taking over, so at least, my trip had not been in vain.

My first order of business when I returned home was to find Andro to give him an update.

I walked into my brother’s office suite located on the first floor. He was sitting in his armchair with his laptop in front of him while Connor and Joey were on the sofa, holding up baby clothes and giggling about how cute and tiny they all were.

I didn’t anticipate seeing Connor in my brother’s space like this, though I shouldn't have been surprised considering how close he and Joey were. Seeing Connor holding on to the light blue onesie that had a smiley face moon on it did things to me.

For a moment, I imagined what he’d be like if he was my omega, expecting my child.

The boys froze when they saw me walk in, like I was intruding on their moment. That was weird, but I didn’t let it bother me. Not much, anyway.

I looked over at my brother. “Hey, got a few minutes?”

“Yeah, sit down.” He gestured to the chair opposite him. “How’d it go?”

“Good.” I took a seat and leaned back in the chair, then my foot began to tap on the hardwood. I wasn’t sure how much I should say in front of Joey and Connor. We generally didn’t like to worry the omegas with business matters, and with Joey‘s pregnancy always at the heart of our concern, I didn’t want him to have any additional stress. “Do you want to take a walk?”

Andro glanced at his husband and then back to me. “Yeah, let’s go find Orsino so you only have to tell this story once. I assume it’s information we both need to hear.”

“Yeah, it is.” I was glad to get everyone in one room to do this. Nothing was worse than repeating the same story over and over again when I had better things to do.

We both stood up, and I finally made eye contact with Connor. Fuck, I missed him. I wanted nothing more than to pull him into my arms and take a big whiff of his sweet scent.

I could always find my center with him pressed against me.

But I didn’t think that would go over well with my brother, so I didn’t let my gaze linger.

Andro wanted me to be happy and to find an omega of my own, but not from the harem.