Page 8 of Forbidden Omega

As his second-in-command, I had a duty. Not only to my family, but to all the families we worked with. Like Andro, I was expected to marry someone based on their power and what they could bring to our organization.

Connor didn’t check any of those boxes politically, but he sure as fuck checked every box for me emotionally. “Hey, Connor. Joey. Are the two of you staying out of trouble? Getting ready for the baby?”

Joey gave me a smile as he nodded. There was something off about it, like it was forced and disingenuous, nothing like the radiant smiles he usually shot my way. “Yeah.”

Connor merely looked down at the T-shirt he was holding. I didn’t like the look on his face, but I couldn’t get into it right then.

I knew better than to keep my brother waiting, but I hesitated a moment. “Don’t have too much fun. Then again, do whatever annoys Andro the most.”

As we walked through the family wing and into the office we usually reserved for meetings, I listened to my brother spout out a bunch of updates from the past few days.

But my mind wasn’t focused on him. It was back in that room with Connor, desperately wishing I had a few minutes to spend with him to find out what made him look so reserved and why he hadn’t been able to meet my gaze. I’d been gone two days, but we had only exchanged a handful of texts during that time.

Usually, when I got home after a trip, he was happy to see me. His eyes would light up, and he got a bashful smile because he knew I was thinking about him in the same way he was thinking about me.

But not today.

Today, he just seemed upset, and I couldn’t imagine what was on his mind. Then again, being around Joey and all the baby talk had to have some kind of affect on him.

As an omega in the harem, he was on strong suppressants to make sure he never had a heat or got pregnant, but that didn’t mean his biological clock wasn’t ticking inside him. He’d mentioned off handedly a few times how he wished he could have a family someday.

If I asked, I had no doubt that he would want to build that family with me.

But it just wasn’t possible.

An alpha of my rank and in my family had an image to uphold. I hoped that Connor would always be in my life in some way, but if I ever mated, that would likely end. I wouldn’t have the desire to be with anybody else anymore, and it wouldn’t be fair to lead him on.

But try as I might, I couldn't imagine taking a lover, husband, or mate who wasn’t Connor. I’d told myself for so long that I was with only him because of the convenience. That’s what omega harems were for, after all. But after more than a year with him, I could admit to myself that it was more than just for convenience.

He was the only omega I wanted.

If I were smart, I would start pulling away from him now before either of us got too deep into whatever it was we were doing together.

Perhaps Connor was reaching the age of retirement from the harem anyway, and it was time for him to move on. He could take on another role in our homes or our businesses. We wouldn’t turn him out without support.

But when it came right down to it, I wasn’t smart. And I wasn’t strong enough to put that kind of distance between us. I didn’t want him serving anyone except me.

As soon as I finished up with my brothers, I would be dragging Connor back to my room and showing him just how much I missed him. Hopefully, that would be enough to put a smile back on his sweet face.

Andro cleared his throat, getting my attention. “So, are you gonna enlighten us with what you learned while you were away? I’m surprised you waited this long to bring it up.”

I leaned back in the chair and rocked. “How do you know I learned anything exciting?”

“You have a few tells.” He didn’t elaborate but I had no doubt he was telling the truth. It was unnerving as hell that my brother could read me so well.

“The Mennettis are spreading themselves thin with the amount of families they have on the defensive. Not everyone in their ranks is happy about it.”

“Oh, okay.” Andro smiled like that was what he wanted to hear. I officially had his attention. “Go on.”

“Like us, the Mennettis have three brothers in the business. Their father is of retirement age, and a rumor began that he was gonna select the second oldest to take over. His health has taken a turn for the worse, and he ultimately decided to have Vince take over. Immediately after taking control, Vince started making his move.” I shrugged, not sure if this was good news or not but I shared it anyway. “Our family wasn’t the only one he went after.”

Orsino cracked his knuckles, a habit that came back when he was anxious. “How have we not heard about this?”

“Not many have said anything because they don’t want to appear weak. This is information from within the inner circle, you know that shit doesn’t get out easily. And the Mennettis haven’t made any official moves. Just threats.”

Andro pursed his lips. “To what end?”

“I can’t be sure of that. Maybe because Vince is a dick? He’s already driven his youngest brother off. I couldn’t get a straight answer about when or why but no one has seen him in ages. I wouldn’t be surprised if the middle brother wasn’t thrilled with him either.”