Page 17 of Forbidden Omega

She nodded to me as she picked up the bag. “Well, if you’re here when that baby comes, you’ll have lots of helpers. So maybe this is the best place for you.”

I smiled and tried to school my features as I nodded and whispered, “I hope so, and thank you.”

I wanted to cry. I wanted to tell her that the right place for me was a few hundred miles away with my alpha. But he wasn’t mine. He would be somebody else’s someday, and I would always be alone.

At least in this little town, I had some helpers. As soon as she walked away, I sighed and turned to the next customer. “Welcome to Murphy’s. I hope you found everything you were looking for.”

The town sheriff slid a sandwich from the deli counter and a bottle of iced tea in front of me. “Yep, I’m good. How are you doing, son?”

“I’m great, sir.” I rang up his stuff and smiled at him. “That’ll be $12.17.”

He handed me his credit card and slipped his hands in his pockets. “So, how are you liking our little town?”

I kept my eyes averted, always avoiding questions about myself. “It’s nice. Everyone here is really great.”

“Yeah, my wife and I moved here about ten years ago, and we’ve been very happy ever since. We needed to get away from the city, if you know what I mean.”

Boy, did I ever. “I’m glad to hear it.” I gave him a quick smile as I handed back his card. “Have a great day.”

He stood there for a minute, seeming to look me over. “You’re staying over at Miss Marley’s house, right?”

I tried not to panic because this was how people in some small towns were. They got in everyone’s business, I was learning. And, of course, the sheriff knew where I lived. I was sure he knew where every single person lived and what their work schedules were. “Um, yeah. She makes the best chocolate chip cookies.”

Miss Marley, my landlord, lived on the ground floor of the big Victorian house that she set up as a boarding house of sorts. There were five guest rooms but only two of them were being rented, which was good for me. It meant I had lots of privacy. The two other guests had been there for years, apparently. An older couple who downsized from their own home and liked to have their linens washed every week and two hot meals every day.

I had to admit that the meals were definitely worth every penny she charged. Not to mention the hot cookies that came out of the oven every evening at 7:30. I wasn’t always awake late enough to enjoy them, but when I was… Delicious.

The sheriff chuckled. “Yeah, I’ve had more than my share of her cookies.” He patted his slightly protruding belly.

I was half tempted to do the same to mine, but I managed to hold back.

“Well, if there’s anything you need, feel free to reach out. You know where my office is.”

I nodded gratefully. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.”

As he walked out, I couldn’t help noticing that he pulled his cell phone from his pocket. I wasn’t sure if he was making a call or answering one, but an uncomfortable feeling washed over me.

Did I say too much?

After my shift, I made a quick snack of the day-old bread and produce that my boss allowed me to take for free. I tried not to get too greedy with it, but he insisted that I take as much as I could use. It would just be tossed in the trash, and well, I needed to save money where I could.

Once I had a full belly, I walked to the library while keeping my eyes on my surroundings. Having the sheriff talk to me and then immediately make a phone call had me on edge. Not that I expected his phone call had anything to do with me. He was the sheriff, after all. He had plenty of things to do. There was no reason for me to worry that I was on his radar. The likelihood that he would have any connection to the mafia, let alone my mafia family was practically zero. Less than zero in a town like this.

Then again, they weren't my family.

The bell on the door let out a soft chime as I stepped into the library and the librarian looked up. "Hi, there, Connor. Your books aren’t in yet but it’s always nice to see you."

"I know, I just figured I would check out the selection.” I had limited entertainment options in this small town and even fewer that didn’t cost money. Renting books and movies from the library was my go-to.

Miss Marley had found an old DVD player that hooked up to the little TV in my room, and whenever I could keep my eyes open after dinner, I could usually be found watching an old movie. It was best not to be alone with my thoughts in silence.

The library became a lovely sanctuary for me. Before coming to Apricot Grove, I wasn't sure that I had ever stepped foot in one. Now, I could catalog this place if I needed to.

I went straight to the expecting section. I had already checked out a few of the books there and considered myself quite the expert on omega pregnancies. Still, there was more I could read.

A baby name book stood out to me, so I pulled it off the shelf. I hadn’t given a lot of thought to what my child’s name would be. That seemed like something Louie should have an opinion on.

Louie would be a beautiful name for a boy. Or Louise for a girl.