Page 45 of Marauding Daddies

Chapter Eighteen

Twenty-four hours later, Xicheng District, Beijing, China...

“Do we have any intel on where the Sanchigos are?” Kevin’s words came out clipped and so cold, it could chill the South China Sea. He made no secret that he had zero desire to be a part of this mission. As far as he was concerned, the entire Sanchigo clan should be eliminated for good. He wouldn’t blink an eye if it included the biggest traitor of them all, Aria Harper.

“Visuals are restricted in this area,” Tanner said. “We do know they landed at a private airstrip a couple of miles from here. We have a team scouring the surrounding areas as we speak. If they’re out on the streets, they’ll track them.”

“Maybe so, but it serves no purpose for us to hang around the park all night long,” Slade interjected. “We established that President Chan Lee is ensconced in his home in the Zhongnanhai Compound. Apparently, there have been numerous death threats against him over the past couple of months, so the security around him has increased.”

“Something that the Sanchigos would also be aware of,” Kaden said. “We have to assume they have a plan to either gain access into the compound or a way to get Lee to leave.”

“And they’re not going to hang around waiting,” Kevin said. “Since they’re already in Xicheng, you can bet your ass they’ve already set their plan into action.”

“Either way, we can only stop the assassination if we’re close by,” Sera said as she checked her rifle. She was one of the best snipers around and refused to stay behind. “I don’t trust Fiorella Sanchigo. No woman suddenly pops up from the shadows and successfully takes over a criminal empire like Sanchigo’s Mafia. Mark my words, she has played a role in everything Salvitore ever did. Until she’s taken off the map, I won’t rest. No one is ever going to get near my daughter again.”

“I agree with Sera. The sooner we get to the compound, the quicker we can rid the world of the vermin and get back to our lives.” Kevin busied himself checking his weapons, avoiding Keith’s penetrating glare. Inside, his emotions roiled like a turbulent sea. He refused to acknowledge the feelings inside him for Aria but felt utterly betrayed by her lies and deceit. The thought of her getting killed turned his stomach, yet he knew she must face justice for her crimes.

The park was enveloped in inky darkness, with only slithers of moonlight filtering through the canopy of ancient oak trees. A heavy silence permeated the air, broken only by the occasional hoot of an owl or rustle of leaves—a perfect companion for the darkness clawing at Kevin’s soul.

“You’re such a fucking liar.” Keith seethed with his body taut as a bowstring. “I don’t believe for one moment you would kill Aria. You love her, Kev, as much as I do. Neither one of us expected it to happen so quickly, but it did. Do you honestly think I’m going to let any of you hurt the woman I love?” Keith glowered at the group.

Kevin kept his eyes averted but responded with a voice that was flat and resolute. “You can cherish your love for her to your heart’s content, but all it’s going to bring you is heartache and loneliness. Even if she’s not killed, what do you think is going to happen when she’s caught, Keith?” He finally gave him a sideways look. His eyes were bleak. “She’s going to end up in a supermax prison. You will never be allowed to visit, and she’s going to rot there. With all the kills under her belt, and believe me, I made some calls to the underworld, there were many, she’s never going to see the outside of a prison cell ever again.” He held up his hand as Keith opened his mouth. “I don’t want to hear it. As I said, you do as you wish, but I’m not going to waste another ounce of feeling on that deceitful bitch.”

The words tasted like ashes on his tongue, but he hardened his heart. Aria had made her choices—now, she would face the consequences.

Zhongnanhai Compound, Xicheng District, Beijing, China...

The inky blackness of the night sky enveloped Beijing, with only faint stars piercing through the heavy smog. A sliver of pale moonlight cast an eerie glow over the expansive cityscape below.

Atop the towering Beijing Finance Building, Aria stood motionless, gazing out over the sprawling government compound in the distance. She felt a chill in the air that penetrated her bones. Behind her, Fiorella and the others murmured in hushed, urgent tones as they discussed their sinister plans.

Listlessly, her eyes drifted over the compound, the stately residence of the president, across the street. It was lit up like a beacon, the warm glow of its many windows standing out brilliantly against the surrounding darkness. Guards patrolled with flashlights in hand, oblivious to the hidden threat poised to strike.

“Everything is in place, Aria. Do not fail your father now.” Fiorella’s voice sounded faraway. Aria shivered from cold and foreboding. She hated what she had been forced into, what she was about to do, but she had no choice... not this time.

The tranquil view masked the turmoil churning within her. With a deep sigh, she settled on her stomach and lined up the shot. She had deftly ignored her mother the entire trip to China, fuming that she blackmailed her into yet another assassination.

It hurt. More than she cared to admit. She had always believed her mother had been the one protecting her against Salvitore’s wrath. Now, it seemed like she had been waiting patiently while Aria perfected her skills. She’d waited and pounced, using her power as the Comare of the Sanchigo Mafia to force her own daughter into compliance. In the end, Aria was nothing but a game piece to be used and thrown away at will... by her own parents.