Page 34 of Marauding Daddies

Chapter Fifteen

Club Rogue, Baton Rouge, Louisiana...

“It seems you were right, Kev. She did come to us.”

Kevin followed Keith’s gaze. Aria Harper stood at the bar, looking around surreptitiously. When their eyes clashed, he could see the darkening flush bloom over her cheeks.

“It appears that I was, yes.” Kevin’s eyes drifted over her body, appreciating how incredibly sexy she looked dressed in a tight black leather miniskirt with a matching bustier cami corset. The outfit was complemented by thigh-high stiletto boots.

“I believe our little Babygirl needs a lesson in waiting... since she made us wait for over a week. String her up on the punishment platform in the entertainment room, Keith, then join us for the meeting in Kaden’s office.”

“Oh, I’m gonna enjoy this,” Keith said as he ambled over to where Aria stood.

Club Rogue, Baton Rouge... Acceptance...

Aria tangled her fingers together behind her back. Since she didn’t view herself as a true submissive, it had been embarrassing to be left on a platform in the center of the entertainment room, especially in the position she was in. Trussed up and hunched over. Luckily, Daddy Keith had blindfolded her. She knew the purpose of that was to focus her mind while she waited for them to return, but at least it served to protect her from the curious eyes of the crowd she could sense all around her.

“Relax, Lollipop. You can do this. Tap into the training you received. Find the submissive inside you... you know she’s there. Use her and reap the rewards,” she murmured sotto voce as she forced her body to relax.

When she finally leaned into the harness and released her fears, she was shocked to feel the burn of tears behind her eyes. Why she was on the verge of crying, she had no idea. Was it because the sudden release of tension broke down the walls that she had desperately tried to keep up between her, Kevin, and Keith?

Or was it that she was here, in the den of the enemies? The sworn opponents she was supposed to kill... but since the auction and the day at the ranch, she knew that would never happen. Somehow, the connection between her and the two Frazer brothers had severed the vow she had made to her father. It filled her with guilt, but it didn’t change how she felt. Maybe she had been wrong to make that vow. Her father had deserved what he got. God knew all the Sanchigos, even her mother and sisters, had skeletons in their closet. Salvitore Sanchigo was dead, buried, and maybe since she believed she belonged here, in Louisiana, on Splendor Orchard, she should accept that continuing on the path of death and mayhem wouldn’t change the outcome.

It was incomprehensible, but that she was here now proved to her that she had become addicted to the two Daddies in a very short time, and no matter how much she denied it, she craved all they had to offer and promised. Security, safety, and love—anchors she had always been denied, were within her grasp. Things she could hold on to because a little voice deep inside her warned her that without them in her life, she’d be nothing.

A feeling of serenity flowed through her. Peace and acceptance. This was where she wanted to be, where she belonged—a submissive. Daddy Kevin’s and Keith’s baby girl. She cleared her mind and calmed her breathing as she waited. Maybe if she allowed herself to hope, she could find peace and live the kind of life she had been dreaming of for years. One without crime, death, and destruction.

Club Rogue, Baton Rouge... Power shift...

“She might not be experienced, Kev, but she sure as hell is a quick learner,” Keith said as they joined the crowd already gathered around the platform, waiting for the scene to begin.

Kevin took inventory of Aria’s posture. “You’re right. She’s completely relaxed which I didn’t expect since we both know she’s not an experienced sub. In that position, any submissive would be tense.”

Keith had tied her with her legs spread shoulders width apart and kept in place with a steel spreader bar. Her upper body was forced to lean forward as her arms were dragged higher since her wrists were tied together behind her back and hooked to a chain hanging from the rafters. The satin blindfold had a specific purpose. He wanted her to focus her attention to adhere to his instruction when he left her here—to wait for her Alpha Daddy.

“She’s a proud little subbie, isn’t she?” Keith sounded pleased and proud simultaneously.

“That she is.” The subs twittered excitedly as they noticed the popular menage Daddies’ presence. Kevin noticed how Aria’s spine stiffened at the sound. “Ah, there it is. She knows we’re here.”

“She knows you’re here,” Keith said sourly. “You’re the big bad alpha. Of course, she can sense you.”

“What’s this?” Kevin frowned at Keith’s surly tone. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous? Or are you suddenly not happy with our dynamic? Is that it? Do you want out?”

“Don’t be fucking absurd.”

“Spit it out, Keith. I don’t have the patience to play riddles the entire night. What the fuck is eating you?”

Keith shifted his weight. Kevin stared at him in surprise. He never showed any discomfort in his presence... not ever. Concern slammed into Kevin’s gut. If Keith had a sudden need to change the dynamic of their relationship, no matter how much he believed Aria Harper was the woman for them, he would walk away... without a second’s hesitation.