Page 30 of Marauding Daddies

“Well, that truly is good to hear.” She patted him on the head. “That means you have value to me. Time will tell if I have the same use for you that my husband did. I am very particular about who I allow to be in my inner circle, and that includes trusted guards or even advisors.” With utmost care not to touch the steel chair, Fiorella sat down opposite Anne.

“It seems the young Delaware is on my side, and he desires to offer me his fealty. That brings me to you, Mrs. Winston. Do tell... what is it that you can offer me, seeing as I have no interest in being fucked by you.”

“As opposed to what?” Anne sneered. “Knowing who and what you are, I would’ve been better off in a supermax prison.”

“Such anger,” Fiorella smiled brightly. “It’s not good for your blood pressure, my dear. You should really try to calm down.” She sat back against the chair and crossed her legs with the elegance she was known for. “You had a specific role to play in my husband’s scheme. That hasn’t changed. The only difference now is that I am the one issuing the orders.” Her eyes turned glacial. “Know this... you will receive the same compensation as before, but other than my husband, I will not stand for disrespect. Your relationship with me will in no way be similar to that it was with him. He might have given you some slack because you spread your legs for him. I won’t. Fuck with me, and you will bear the consequences.”

“And if we choose not to continue our association with the Sanchigos? What then?”

It irked Fiorella that Anne Winston didn’t seem intimidated by her. Quite the contrary, it appeared as if she was on the verge of attacking. None of her irritation showed on the comare’s icy exterior. Instead, she smiled almost gently.

“You become irrelevant.” A graceful shoulder drifted upward. “It’s as easy as that.” She pouted her lips in enjoyment at the flash of anger in her opponents’ eyes. “I don’t suppose I need to spell it out to you, Mrs. Winston. You know better than anyone what happens to irrelevant people in this business.” A delicate shudder drifted over her body. “I do so abhor the expression, but it’s just so visual, isn’t it? How does it go again? Ah, yes... walking among the fishes with concrete boots.”

“What do you want from us? Salvitore never mentioned what his crowning glory plan was. All I know is that everything he had done over the past three years was in preparation for something that would change his life. So, if you expect us to give you all his trade secrets, I’m afraid you’re heading up the wrong tree.”

Fiorella’s tinkling laughter echoed like a summer breeze through the dank and dusty halls, bringing a spark of brightness to its dark interior. It didn’t last long. Her face settled into a discriminating sneer.

“You are sadly mistaken if you believe you held my husband’s confidence, Mrs. Winston. In his eyes, you were nothing but a cheap slut, an informant he had to screw to open your lips to talk. I don’t need you to tell me what he was planning. I know exactly what he had up his sleeve. Some of the puzzle pieces building the entire entourage came from me.” She smirked at the expression on Anne’s face. “Yes, I was always his confidante. He told me everything. He valued my opinion and knew I had the intelligence to find solutions that were outside the box.” She pointed at the two of them. “Why do you think he approached the two of you at exactly the same time?”

“You... are you saying you told him to have an affair with me? To use me and to... you’re his wife! How... why would you do something like that!?”

“Let’s not give value to the sordidness of your association with Sal, Mrs. Winston. I told him to fuck the information out of you. If you believed you were having an affair with him, you’re more naive than I thought.”

“Well, fuck you, Mrs. Sanchigo. I wouldn’t work with you for all the money in the world.”

“Ah, well, that’s your prerogative, of course.” Fiorella snapped her fingers at the man standing in the corner, silently standing watch with a brooding expression. “Enzo, I believe it’s time to add some flavor to the St. Lawrence River.”

“Now? Are you sure you won’t need her—”

The slow swing of her head in his direction cut him off very effectively.

“Very well, Comare,” he said grimly as he walked toward Anne.

“No.” Fiorella stopped him as he took out the keys to unlock the cuffs. “Do it here. I want to know that she’s fish bait before you take her out of this dungeon.”

“That’s highly irregular, Comare. Don Salvitore never allowed us to—”

Fiorella rose to her feet with slow deliberation, her eyes glowing dangerously. Enzo’s eyes flickered as she stopped a hair’s breadth from him.

“How dare you question my authority?” Her voice darkened perceptively. “Do it. Now.”

“Very well, Comare.” He took out his gun and walked around the chair.

“No, from the front. I want her to see her death coming.” The harsh light shining down on the adamant woman stripped away the veneer of pretense she wore like a cloak every day.

The three people stared as if transfixed, and they were all seeing the same vision—the devil himself in female form.

Enzo stood beside Fiorella and aimed the gun at Anne.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. What is this?” she sneered as he hesitated a second too long. “I can’t believe Salvitore allowed such spineless shit in his time.” She pushed Enzo a step closer and then wrapped her hand over his on the holster of the gun. “Like this, my boy... right there, between the eyes.” She squeezed his finger when the muzzle was close enough to make Anne stare at it cross-eyed.

“That’s brilliant!” she exclaimed after the loud boom of the shot died down. Her eyes were alight with pleasure as she looked at the body of the woman slumped in the chair with the back of her skull splattered all over the wall behind her. “There’s nothing better than that split second of terror when realization hits... I’m about to die!” She kicked Anne’s foot. “Yes, bitch! I don’t need you.”

“What the fuck?” Luc stared at the corpse with fear stark in his eyes. “Why did you do that? Salvitore said we are both needed to achieve success. How are we going to do that now? God... why... she would’ve eventually—”

“I don’t have time for eventually, my dear boy. Besides, the information I’m after, you can supply. Her function in our bigger plan... Well, let’s just say, I already have a contingency in place.” She clapped her hands and leaned closer to whisper conspiratorially in his ear. “Are you gonna tell me what I want to know?”

“I don’t know what you’re after,” Luc said with a quiver in his voice.