Page 44 of Marauding Daddies

Kaden linked his tablet to the television set. “This footage was at 0600 this morning. That’s a private airstrip on Salvitore Sanchigo’s property.” Kaden hesitated. “Property that he left to his eldest daughter.”

Keith sat forward as the video showed a black GMC stopping next to the jet. Two women and three men got out.

“That’s Aria. Who is the other woman?”

“That, Keith, is Fiorella Sanchigo, Salvitore’s wife.”

“We were fucking right!” Keith slammed a fist against Kevin’s shoulder. “They’re using Aria to get to us.”

“Where are they going?” Kevin’s expression remained stoic. He knew Kaden better to know he had yet to deliver the punchline. A dark weight of disappointment settled on his shoulders, dragging them down in a forward hunch. He already suspected what was coming.

“They’re on their way to China.”

“China?” Keith’s head snapped around from watching the footage to stare at Kaden. “What the hell are they going to China for?”

“Tanner and Slade have the answer to that.”

“Well?” Keith exploded. “Spit it out, for fuck’s sake.”

“We were part of the interrogation team questioning Sera’s mother, Luc Delaware, and Anne Winston. If you recall, they were in the house where Salvitore was killed,” Slade began. He waited for Kevin’s curt nod before continuing. “This information was shared by Sophia Russo, Sera’s mother. The other two knew there was a plan but not what it entailed. The banking fraud was only a front to keep the attention from his master plan. Salvitore and Russo had this grandeur vision of taking over the governments of the U.S. and the EU. From what she said, we gathered their aim was also to spread their reach into China.”

“Good Lord, the man was totally off his rocker,” Keith mumbled.

“Their intention was to have all the power by having the entire senate, White House, and government agencies in their pockets. They would rig the elections and have people they controlled situated where they needed them. To get the ball rolling, the plan was to assassinate the Chinese president. While chaos ensued, they would steal crypto and stave minute amounts off every bank account across the globe, thereby stacking their cash flow to put their plan into play.” Tanner shook his head. “The worst of it is, if they played it right, it would actually have worked.”

“Word on the street is that Fiorella Sanchigo has appointed herself as the Comare of the Sanchigo Mafia group. We believe that she’s planning on implementing Salvitore’s master plan,” Slade continued. “Besides that, she’s eliminating everyone who supported Salvitore. Ann Winston, Luc Delaware, and Senator Hank Brinkman’s bodies washed up two days ago at Sainte-Pétronille, on the banks of St. Lawrence River in Quebec.”

“Why take Aria with them?” Keith looked around the room.

“Salvitore’s eldest daughter is one of the best assassins in the field. She is as feared as she is respected in the criminal world, but she hasn’t been seen for almost a year after his death.” Kaden exhaled slowly as he caught Kevin’s eyes. “Salvitore has three daughters. One set of twins, Alana and Ava, and the eldest... Aria.”

“Aria Sanchigo left Quebec with her mother, the new leader of the Sanchigo Mafia Group for China,” Tanner intoned with a clipped tone. “To assassinate President Chin Lee.”

“So, that’s why she chose us... she came here for vengeance,” Kevin said, his tone dark and dangerous. “She should’ve killed us when she had the chance... now, it’s too late.”

“Hold on, Kev. You can’t just assume—”

“I’m not assuming anything, Keith,” Kevin cut him short abruptly. “I’m looking at facts. She came here for revenge. That’s the beginning and the end of it. We mean nothing to her. She used her beguiling smile and our infatuation with her to get close to us. Unfortunately for her, we’re onto her now.”

“Fuck that! I don’t believe she lied about her feelings. It was too real. Every time we touched her... no fucking woman can fake emotions like that. I refuse to believe it.”

“You do you, Keith, but I will not be fooled any longer. The next time I see Aria Harper... or rather, Aria Sanchigo, I will not hesitate to take her in. I’m so fucking done with Mafiosos and Mafiosis, I could choke on them.”

“If you think I will stand by and allow you to take her in, you don’t know me that well, Kev. I love her, and you can deny it all you want, but so do you. I will fight you on this.” He glared around the room. “All of you! Aria will not pay for her father’s sins. I won’t allow it.”

“How about she pays for her own sins, Keith? Or is it suddenly acceptable that she assassinated how many innocent people in her quest to please her mafioso father?” Kevin got up and stomped out of the room. “She can fucking rot in jail for all I care!”

“Fuck you, Kevin Frazer! How do you know she’s not on the way to China because her mother threatened us? Tell me that!”

Kevin stormed back into the room. “Because Salvitore Sanchigo’s blood runs in her veins. Open your eyes, Keith, and listen to what these guys are saying. Does the fact that she’s one of the most feared assassins in the criminal world not tell you who and what she really is? Ask yourself just how many people has she killed? How many of those were popped because they stood in the way of her father’s deviant schemes?” He shook his head violently.

“Wake up, Keith! We have been fighting Sanchigo for years. We saw what he did to Tanner and Sera’s daughter. How can you for one moment believe there’s one innocent hair on that bitch’s head?” Kevin’s frame shuddered with rage he didn’t bother to hide.

“Fuck you, you bastard,” Keith jumped up, his own anger threatening to boil over.

“Enough,” Kaden bellowed. “Tearing into each other isn’t going to achieve anything. I suggest you both calm down so that we can decide what to do. For one, we can’t allow what they’re planning to do to happen. Get your kit. All of you. We’ll recon on the plane. One way or the other, we have to stop that assassination.”