Page 56 of End Game

The truth was, plain and simple, I was scared.

Scared of how much I wanted this.

Scared of the inevitable loss of it.

But I couldn’t admit to any of that now without giving him even more of me than he already had. So as I looked at him and forced the words from my mouth. “You’re still my boss, Leo. Despite the contract, this isn’t a good idea.”

I expected to see disappointment flash across his face, but instead he looked even more determined. Like he’d known the excuse was coming, and he was ready for it. A step ahead. “That’s too bad, because you look like you could use some relief.” His fingers blazed a trail higher to my hip, careful to avoid my panties but not at all retreating. “You deserve to feel good, Mara,” he whispered, and then he pressed his lips to my temple with so much tenderness I wanted to curl in on myself, knowing it was a subtle nod to my hurt.

The corner of my mouth twitched, but I couldn’t say anything in response. Could only focus on my breathing as it rattled through my chest. We were flying higher with nowhere to go, nothing to aim for.

Leo’s mouth moved down to my jaw, like he’d somehow known I wanted him there. His lips skated across my skin—less of a kiss and more of a hunger. “Touch yourself,” he breathed, and the words pulsed through me like a beacon.

My eyes snapped to him. The glass of bourbon in my hand trembled and he reached for it with his free hand, slipping it out of my grasp and setting it on the table next to the forgotten bowl of popcorn. As he leaned back into the couch his shoulder pressed against mine, and he looked at me with a quiet resolution. “Mara,” he urged, “if you won’t let me take care of you, then let me help you take care of yourself.” His gaze moved down to the blanket, watching it move as his hand traced a delicious path back to the inside of my thigh. He was teasing me, purposefully turning me on with wicked intent. Winding me so far up I’d have to sink into the pleasure to come back down. “Touch yourself for me, sweetheart.”

Goosebumps rose along my body as I trembled with need so big and vast there could be no real relief anytime soon—at least that would be long-lasting. But at this point, I wouldn’t be able to rise from this couch without lessening some of the pressure. So when Leo wrapped his hand around my own and guided it under the blanket, I was eager to give up my control—at least for a little while. This was light years beyond what was appropriate . . . but it was safer than giving that power to him.

“Is this okay?” he asked, his eyes black with purpose as he slipped my hand to where I was now aching.

I closed my eyes as my fingers brushed against the fabric of my panties. The thrill was so different than when I did this alone—knowing Leo was right next to me, earnest in his desire for me to let go. It made me feel exposed in a way that I wasn’t sure I’d ever been before. I’d never touched myself in front of someone like this. Sex with a partner had always been an expression of mutual pleasure, not just my own. I nodded, feeling his exhale on my cheek as he rumbled his approval.

As my fingers began a slow chase toward my own pleasure he groaned into my neck, and I was suddenly aware of how much this turned him on. With my eyes still sealed shut, I thought about him—remembering the way his body had moved with mine, the way he’d edged me higher and higher before tipping me into the best orgasm I’d ever had. The way he’d soothed me afterward as we both came down from the high, whispering praise and adoration before he was winding me back up again.

“Fuck,” I muttered.

“Yeah, ‘fuck’ is right,” he responded. He’d taken his hands off of me as I moved on my own, and I quietly moaned when his fingers skated a path down my neck. “Look at how beautiful you are like this. So fucking perfect, Mara. So sweet.”

I could feel my pleasure building as my fingers moved faster, and soon I was panting and writhing next to Leo’s still and firm body. “I’m close . . .” I managed to say as I reached the tipping point.

His mouth pressed against my neck, hot and wet, and it sent a jolt of pleasure through me. “Come for me, Mara,” he murmured into my skin, his voice sinking into my veins like warm, sticky honey. And I did. My climax rocked through me like a bomb detonating, and I rode my own hand through the continued waves of it.

Leo stroked along my shoulder and collarbone, and soon I was leaning into him and his warmth. Not for the first time, I felt . . . cared for by him. A soft smile spread across his lips, his eyes still near-black and glittering with desire. “You’re incredible,” he whispered, like it was a burning secret he couldn’t contain.

“You make me feel brave,” I said back through fluttering breaths. He made me feel like I could face anything, as long as he kept looking at me like he was right now.

His smile slipped before he shook his head. “No, Mara. You’re the brave one.” He pressed a lingering kiss to my forehead, like a bookend on the conversation. Like he wanted to leave it at that.

So I settled deeper into him, my gaze landing back on the movie in front of us, though I hardly knew what was going on in the story at this point. Something about the way Leo shrugged off the positive feedback tugged at me. His earlier words about his music floated to the surface, and I realized it wasn’t the first time he’d said something self-deprecating. Maybe the mask he wore so well was more than just for show . . . maybe it was also to camouflage his own walls, his own lines in the sand between him and the rest of the world.

Maybe we had more in common than I thought.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Leo and his parents were both gone when I got home from the gym. He’d texted me about an hour ago to say he’d left to stop in at Larkspur to make sure everyone was okay for the night since neither of us would be working, and that he would be home around six to pick me up for dinner. His parents had apparently gone out for an early cocktail, which was fine by me—I counted myself lucky with how much I’d been able to avoid them since their arrival three nights ago. But I knew that luck would run out with tonight’s dinner. If it was going to be anything like our last, I needed to be ready to face Christine-the-Ice-Queen for another round of table sparring.

I shucked my shoes off as soon as I stepped out of the elevator, flexing my toes against the plush rug in the entryway. Training had been especially grueling today as we focused on leg strength, and my feet were killing me, but it was a welcomed distraction from what happened last night with Leo. My gaze shot to the couch as I thought about what I did there, and I immediately flushed. Dolly eyed me with a cat-smirk from her usual resting place on the back of the couch, and I smiled at her with a show of confidence.

Maybe she’d respect me more if I hid my fear.

I had about an hour and a half to get ready, and I’d need to put all that time to good use if I was going to make myself presentable enough for NoMu . . . which reminded me of one sad fact: I needed to find something to wear.

I definitely didn’t have anything fancy enough, but I hoped to god I had something to throw together that would pass the test at the door. Places like NoMu were sticklers about dress code, and I worried what I had wouldn’t cut it. I couldn’t fathom the thought of being turned away and embarrassing myself and Leo in front of his parents—Christine would have a field day. I marched toward Leo’s bedroom and tried to gather myself . . . Maybe I’d have time to run out and buy something really fast. I knew of a few shops down the street that might have what I’d need.

As soon as I walked through the door to the bedroom, I stopped in my tracks. There, resting in the center of the bed, was a beautiful black box with an elaborate golden bow. I stared at it for a long moment before I could get my feet to move, already knowing somewhere deep inside what it was.

Do you have a dress? For dinner?

Leo. Of course he’d already thought of this. I took slow steps to the edge of the bed, reaching down to pick up the box. A folded piece of paper was tucked beneath a section of ribbon, and I pulled it out to find a handwritten note.