“I’m sorry.”

“Stop fuckin’ saying that. Get me to my brother. Myles!” he yells.

“Mason, stop this! You’ll hurt yourself.”

Cas must hear the commotion. He walks into the room and grips tightly onto Mason’s chin.

“She speaks the truth, Mase. We lost him,” Cas's tone wobbles, and I look away from his pain.

I sometimes forget how long some of the brothers have known one another. Their history, the bonds that they share, it runs deeper than blood family.

“Don’t tell my mom. Me and Myles will tell her when we get home.”

Cas offers him a small smile. “That’s what Myles said. No one told her. But Myles doesn’t know what to do about your sister…”

“Call Luca, he’s the one she’ll go to when she hears the news anyway. He’ll be what she needs. But she isn’t to go home until we do. Make that fuckin’ clear.”

“I will. You have my word. I’ll do it now.”

He leaves us alone, and I take his place, as close to Mason as I can possibly be without disturbing the wires around him.

“Tell me what I can do,” I plead.

“Go arrange for me to be in the same room as Myles.”

“I don’t think…”

“Make it happen, or get Leo on it.”

I leave the room, even farther away from him, emotionally. I remind myself he’s just learned of his father’s death, but it feels more than that. I do as he asked and go in search of a nurse.

Chapter Eight


“The sooner we’re discharged, the better. This is fuckin’ bullshit,” I snap.

The nurses arranged for my bed to be taken into Myles’s room a few hours ago, under protest, I might add. I don’t know how Aspen made it happen, but I’m with my brother and that’s all that counts.

“I want to be home just as much as you, brother, but I don’t want to die along the way. Once they say we’re good to go, we’re gone.”

His tone is flat and lifeless, just like our father. A coldness ripples through me. No one’s voiced it yet, but he’s dead because of me. If I hadn't gone running into the house, I wouldn’t have forced the club’s move to follow.

“If we had died, Mom would’ve lost so much more,” Myles murmurs.

Rolling my head to the side, I look at him. “But she didn’t.”

“You were ready to die with me… Mase, you’ve always been an asshole but a death chaser, you aren’t. What’s goin’ on with you?”

“I can live without a lot of things, but not you. It’s us all the way…”

“You’ve got Aspen and a kid on the way, it hasn’t just been us for a while. If I had have died, I would’ve wanted you to look out for Emma and my kids. Something’s goin’ on with you, and I can’t sense what. You’re scaring me.”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

“I sense you’re running, but from what I don’t know.”

Again, nothing leaves my mouth.