“One day, you’ll run out of luck, and you might not make it home, all because you put yourself in situations you don’t need to be in.”

Running the back of my fingers down her cheek, I grip her chin and force her to look at me.

“Every time I leave this house, I know what I have to live for. You and Pen are the reason I fight so hard. Our world is and always will be a matter of them or me. I will always choose me. You and Pen.” Leaning closer, I softly press my lips to hers. “As long as you and Pen need me, I’m here. I’m home.”

“We always need you.”

“Then I’m not going anywhere.”

No one notices when I come around. I struggle to see out of my left eye, but I have a good enough view of my surroundings. At least when I’m out for the count, I can see Emma perfectly.

“We should just kill him.” I hear one of them suggest from the next room, and I listen harder.

“We could trade him?” another suggests.

“For what? They have nothing we want,” someone else says.

“For cash, what else do you think, asshole.”

“We have enough cash.”

So not only do they have youth on their side against our southern chapter, they have enough cash to not worry about needing more.

“You can never have enough. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

I listen to the back and forth and pray they don’t pull out a gun and off me now. I’ve lost track of days. Mason would’ve called our brothers from home, and they’re either in town or on their way. I haven’t been close to the Southern chapter; I barely remember them from when I was younger, but I feel better having my chapter searching for me.

“With more bikers riding into town, we need to make a decision soon,” someone says.

“It doesn’t matter how many show up. We’ll fuck them all up.”

I laugh loudly, and their conversation stops. I take advantage of the pause and holler, “You’ll need an army to take on the whole club. Otherwise, you’re all dead already. You just don’t know it.”

My laughter is drowned out by theirs. “Fuck your club. Ran them out of town, didn’t we?” one mocks.

“That was this town’s chapter. After recent events, they’re not even on par with my chapter. And you say they’ve arrived in town… you’ll see it for yourselves.”

I listen to movement in the other room, and then one of them is leaning against the doorframe.

“Your club is no threat to us. It doesn’t matter how many roll into town, we’ll end them all.”

I snort. “If that’s what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, by all means, delude yourself.”

My brothers will come for me, and these assholes will see exactly who they’re dealing with. Then I’ll be home with Emma and my babies.

Every breath I take is like having a thousand needles piercing me all at once. While no one is bothering with me, I work on doing my best to minimise the number of breaths I need to take. There are moments when the pain is too much, and I waver on the point of passing out, but my mind kicks in, and I remember pain is nothing but weakness, and it becomes bearable.

“I’ve been making some calls, and the bikers that rode into town have a different kind of reputation than the ones we ran out,” I hear one of them say in the other room.

“Tell me, what reputation do they have,” another snipes.

“From what I’ve been told, they never back down. They’re feared, and they’re working with some gangsters based in London, England. They have powerful backing.”

“And we don’t? Fuck ‘em.”

My mind ticks over rapidly. Who would they have heard about the Haywards from? There isn’t a brother in the club who would’ve spoken our business. Then again, the war between us and Effie Rathbone was no secret in the city.

“I’m just saying, we’re gonna have to move smart with these ones. They could bring heat that we can’t handle.”