We will be the Lost Souls Grumps and Dad raised us to be, and we will be the sons our mom needs us to be.

We’re Myles and Mason fucking Simmons, and the next chapter in our lives… It's only just beginning.


A week ago, the club was in darkness; tonight, the club is full of light. Music plays. The old ladies have laid on a beautiful spread. And people are enjoying themselves. Myles spins me around the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the bar and pulls me against him.

“Are you happy?” he asks.

“How could I not be?”

“Thought you might be a little pissed that you didn’t get to plan your wedding.”

“Babe, you’ve done exactly what I would’ve. It’s perfect. I… um… I’ve had my own secret that I was going to tell you this weekend.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

My heart thrums as I murmur, “I’m pregnant.”

His eyes widen, but he’s not scared. His smile grows wider, and he kisses the top of my head.

“Why didn’t you tell me the moment you found out?”

“I didn’t want the news to be in the middle of such sadness. I didn’t want to take away from saying goodbye to your dad. I haven’t even known that long anyway.”

“This is great news, Em. Least I can say this time that mywifeis having my kid.”

“Yeah, about that… We’re expecting twins. It was confirmed yesterday. It’s still really early, so I don’t want to tell anyone just yet.”

Fear now creeps into his joy. “Are you still excited?”

He laughs shakily. “I think we’re gonna need to exchange the car for a minibus.”

“There’s going to be a lot of things we’re going to have to adapt to. Two kids up to four.”

His shoulders relax, and he says, “We’ll smash it. Two, four, six, it doesn’t matter how many kids we have, we’ll make it work.”

Laughing, I tell him, “We’ll be stopping at four, I promise you that.”

He winks. “We’ll see.”

“May I cut in?” We both turn to Kyla.

Smiling, I say, “Of course.”

She takes my place, and I find a seat, watching on as mother and son dance.

“Did I hear right as I was passing you and Myles?” Aspen drops down on the chair beside me. “Are you pregnant with twins?”

She must have seen the panic on my face because she quickly adds, “I won’t tell anyone, though if you wanted to keep it a secret, you should’ve lowered your voice.”

I wasn’t aware I was that loud.

“It’s true. Can you believe it? Both of us are pregnant with twins at the same time.”

“I am so glad for it. I’ve not been pregnant with one baby before, but I imagine it to be much easier than this.”

“It’s not that bad, is it?”