I go to leave when Cas asks, “How’s your brother?”

“He’s good. Rolling with the punches, as they say.”

“Good. It takes great strength to remain on your feet at the end.”

“What’s that about Mason?” Victoria asks, and Cas slips out the back door.

Looking at Luca, I ask, “You didn’t tell her?”

“Tell me what?”

Ignoring her, he tells me, “I didn’t see the point. If you hadn’t gone and sprung a wedding on us all, she never would’ve found out.”

Before I can explain, she’s already down the hall and walking out of the front door.

“For fuck’s sake,” Luca grunts.

“You don’t need to wrap her up in cotton wool, you know. She’s got strength in her.”

“Fuck off, Myles. I don’t care if it’s your wedding day, I’ll blacken your eyes and not give a shit.”

His tone rolls off me. Once you get to know him, you realise it’s his love language.

“Love you, too, brother.”

“Seriously, don’t you have some shit to do that isn’t here or around me?”

“Lucky for you, I do. Catch you later.”

I escape the Jackson household and make my way to the bar. Mason is sitting in Grumps’ chair over in the corner. Victoria gently moves his face from side to side.

“God help me, I’m surrounded by jackasses.”

“And yet you married the biggest one of all,” I quip, pulling out a chair.

Rolling her eyes, she ignores me and focuses on Mase. “That’s broken. It would be best if you had gone to the hospital,” she points at his nose.

“It’s fine.”

“Aspen won’t thank you when you’re keeping her up all night with your snoring. It’s not healing, Mason.”

“I’m well aware, Victoria. I’ll go tomorrow if it makes you happy.”

“It will. We’ve gotta stick together, and Mom needs us to keep ourselves in one piece.”

Guilt covers his face, and he nods in agreement.

“Talking of Mom, I’m heading over there now. If I leave it any longer, she’s gonna miss the whole thing.”

“She doesn’t know yet?”


Leaving Mason to his beer, Victoria walks out with me. “I forgot to show you the flowers I brought. I’ll take Emma and Penelope’s over before going to the church. Your buttonhole will be in the fridge at Lana’s.”

“Thanks, sis. I’ll catch up with you when I get back.”

“I’m coming with you.”