Iwake to my old lady, who has no idea what’s about to happen to us today, and I roll onto my side. I trace my finger along her jawline and over her lips. Her eyes flutter open, and then she bolts up.

“Is Tommy crying?” she blurts.

I laugh. “Nope.”


“I think he knew he needed to let his Momma get a good night’s sleep the night before her wedding day.”

Wiping the sleep from her eye, she pauses, her mouth opening, but nothing comes out.

“Aspen will be over soon, and with her, she’ll bring you a dress and one for Pen. I’m gonna take Tommy with me, and then at three o’clock, I’m gonna be waiting for you at the altar, and we’re gonna get married.”

“Myles? This is… are you serious?”

“Deadly. By the end of today, you’ll be mine in every way possible.”

“I already am.”

Before I can think about starting this day off with a bang, quite literally, Pen throws open the door and runs in, jumping on the bed.

“Auntie Aspen’s downstairs, I have a pretty dress!”

And that’s when it truly sinks in for Emma. She flies out of bed, giving me the briefest glimpse of her body before she covers it with her robe and rushes her and Pen out of the room.

Throwing the sheets off, I climb out of bed and dress quickly. My shit is already at the club. All I need from home is my son. Alannah helped me with his outfit, which is also being kept at the club.

I head through to Tommy’s room. He’s still sleeping. I scoop him up into my arms as gently as possible as to not wake him and cradle him to my chest as I head downstairs. Emma stands before her dress, where Aspen has hung it from the living room doorway, with her hand to her chest.

“Did I do well?”

Turning to me with the brightest fucking smile, she nods. “You did very well, babe.”

“I’m gonna head out, Aspen knows the plan for the day. I’ll see you at three. Don’t keep me waiting.”

“Not a chance.”

Mason is sitting on his porch smoking a cigarette. He hauls his ass up and crosses the street as I buckle Tommy into his car seat.

“You ready for today, brother.”

“Yeah, so get your ass in the car.”

The club’s quiet when we arrive. Mason takes himself into the bar, and I head round to Cas and Alannah’s.

Cas is the one to answer and invites me inside. Alannah grins when she lays eyes on Tommy and holds her arms out. I pass over my son to her.

Before any pleasantries can be passed, Luca, Victoria, and the baby are walking through the front door.

“This is what Auntie Lana loves…” she coos to Tommy. “A house full of family.”

Her smile drops as she looks at me. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean…”

It takes a moment to catch on, but I cut her off. “It’s fine. Are you sure you’re okay to watch him today?”

“Sure. I’ll get him ready and bring him over to the bar later. Go and enjoy your last few hours of singledom.”

I’ve never understood that—a man’s singledom before his wedding. I’m no less single now than I will be after I put a ring on her finger.