Beside me, Myles sits forward. “While we’re talking about moving on and the future and whatnot, I just wanna let you all know that me and Emma are getting married this Saturday. She doesn’t actually know it. It’s gonna be a surprise.”

Congratulations fly around the table, but then Leo cuts right back to business.

“Leave us. I’ll call you back in when we’ve voted on what to do with you.”

Pushing my chair back, I leave the room, closing the door behind me. Glancing at the table in the corner where Grumps would often sit, I wander over and pull out his chair. From this point, he had a clear view of the entire bar. No wonder he sathere. I can hear him now as if he were here, telling me, “Always have an eye on every corner of the room.”

Minutes tick by, and I start to wonder what they’ll vote on. I can embrace any decision apart from having my patches ripped from me. I wouldn’t have the first idea of who I am without the patch. The club has been in my sights from such a young age. I don’t know any different way.


I snap out of my thoughts and jump up. Most of the brothers dare not meet my eye as I walk back to my seat. I stand behind my chair and wait for Leo.

“You’re fully aware of the following events after you disobeyed my order. You lost your father, but you and your family haven’t been alone in grief. The club lost a brother, a brother who wore the patch for nearly thirty years. While no price can be put on a brother’s life, you’ll pay the club ten thousand dollars. You’ll forfeit your place on the next twelve runs.” Fuck. That’s a year not earning with the club. I keep my mouth firmly shut. “And you’ll receive two hits from each brother.”

“I accept.”

He nods, and I take my seat.

“The club is only as strong as long as we work together! Disobeying my orders will not be tolerated and will be dealt with harshly. We can’t afford fuck ups.”

Brothers nod and murmur their agreements. “We’ll deal with Mase’s punishment, and then we'll put this behind us.”

I wasn’t expecting this punishment, but I’ll take it with my head held high. I was in the wrong. Myles and I nearly died because of it, and my father did die because of it.

“Outside, Mase,” Leo hollers.

I tell myself this is no different to having a fight. I’ve taken many punches before, and I’m still here. Shrugging out of mycut, I lay it on one of the picnic tables and rip my tee over my head, tossing it on my cut.

The brothers circle around me. I remain still. My first instinct is to bounce on my toes and amp myself up for the impending fight. I deserve this, and I won’t mock it by acting like a jumped-up prick.

Leo approaches me first. “I’m sorry, but this has to happen.”

Before I can tell him it’s okay, he swings his fist and cracks me a good’un on my jaw. I stumble back but quickly right myself. I remain in place with his second swing and brace myself as Sparky walks toward me. I take each hit, but by the time JJ is in front of me, my lip is bloody, my eye is swelling, and I’m pretty sure my nose is broken. It’s becoming harder to stay on my feet. JJ, the fucker, lands two heavy blows to my ribs, and by the time Zach takes his two hits in the same place, I, without a doubt, have a broken rib. My brother, Myles, steps forward, and I see the pain in his eyes.

“Just do it, brother. It’s not like you haven’t hit me before.”

“Not like this, though.”

He looks over his shoulder to Leo. I know he wants to be let out of this. “Hey, look at me. You’ve gotta do this. Do it.”

“Where aren’t you hurting?” he asks.

“It hurts everywhere. Just get it over with, and don’t go easy. The brothers will think you’re a pussy.”


He lands a solid right hook and then a heavy blow to the stomach. I double over and land on my knees.

“It’s done!” Leo calls out, and Myles is on his knees, a shirt from somewhere, cleaning the blood from my face.

“You still got all your teeth?” he asks me.

I run my tongue across them and nod. “Yeah.”

“I’m pretty sure your nose is broken. Give it a few days and see how it sets. You might need to go to the hospital.”

“Fuck that. It’ll be fine.”