Pressing a kiss to my lips, Emma walks with Mom and Victoria, where Luca waits for his wife. I should’ve known he wouldn’t leave her for long.

“You want me to wait?” Mason asks.

“Nah, seriously, I won’t be long.”

I walk toward the pastor, whose angelic smile irritates me in a way I can’t work out.

“As always, it was a beautiful service for your loved one.”

“Thanks. More than a brother this time, it was my father.”

“I was aware. I’m sorry for your loss. Your mother is a kind and sweet lady. She doesn’t deserve to suffer the pain of loss.”

“That she doesn’t.” It’s probably the only thing we’ll ever agree on.

“How can I help you? It’s not like one of you to stay back after the service.”

I snort. “You know I’m not the religious sort, but my fiancée believes, and like my mom, she’s a kind and sweet woman. I want us married here. For my lack of faith, I’m willing to make up for it with a hefty donation to your church.”

“It can be considered.”

Fuck his consideration.

“Rest assured, pastor, Emma is good, the light. I might be dark in the eyes of your book, but when it comes to her, to my vows, I will be a good husband and do all the things a husband should.”

“I believe you. When would you like the day to be?”

“You’re next available spot.”

“Come by tomorrow with your donation, and we’ll start the arrangements.”

I ride to the club with only the future in front of me. My dad, Grumps, they’d want me to be doing this. They both adored Emma, and I know wherever they are now, they’ll be watching with a drink in their hand and a smile on their faces.

Chapter Nineteen


Idon’t know what hurts more. Listening to the brothers share stories about Ricky or tuning them out. I have so many stories of my own I could share, but selfishly, I want to keep them for myself. We had been through so much, and I had forgotten so much of our lives together, the times we had made it through. It was in this very bar, two tables over, where he genuinely smiled at me for the first time. The first time, he had made the butterflies in my stomach flutter like mad. Closing my eyes, I can hear past conversations. All the celebrations we shared. The good times and the bad. Two lives living as one, and now, he’s gone, and all I’m left with are our memories. No longer will he warm me up on cold nights or suck in a sharp breath when I put my cold feet on his warm legs. No longer will he ever walk through our door, seek me out, and kiss me like it’s our first time again. No longer will I be able to lean on him for anything. What hurts the most is that I no longer have my soulmate to share life with. The times when we didn’t have to talk just to fill the silence or do anything, we were simply with one another.

It takes a few seconds to focus on Cas kneeling before me. His hands cover mine in a show of support.

“Ky, I haven’t said it yet, but I’m so sorry for your loss, darlin’.”

My dad used to say that when you’re not talking for the sake of talking, you can see everything happening around you. In my silence today and the days leading up to this point, I’ve seen them all. Ricky wasn’t only mine or the kids. He belonged to us all. The brothers are in pain, just like the family. I don’t know if it helps yet. I turn my hands in his and soak in his warmth.

“Thank you. And I’m sorry for your loss, too. We’ve all lost him.”

“And none of us will ever forget him. I promise you that.”

And I believe him.

“You’ve got the twins, and I know they’ll look out for you, but if you need anything, you call me or any of us. You’re our family, always will be.”

“I appreciate you saying that, but for now, I just want to go home.”

“I’ll drive you,” Alannah says.

It takes far too long for everyone to offer their condolences one last time and say their goodbyes.