Silence hangs between us. His instructions are to our dad. It went without saying that we buried him in his cut. But Dad isn’t around to go get his money for Victoria.

“Do you know where his cash is?” I ask Mason.

“Ain’t got a clue. You?”

I shake my head. “We knew him best, it can’t be that hard to figure it out.”

“Maybe. But even if we never find it, Luca will never see Victoria go without.”

Smirking, I taunt him, “Such faith in Luca Jackson, brother.”

“Fuck you. Even if they don’t last, we’ll make sure she has enough cash to live.”

“How much do you think he left her?”

“I doubt it will be pocket change. Grumps was never a big spender. I’m thinking it will have to be close, he wouldn’t trust it out in the world.”

“Here at the club? Mom’s house?”

“It will be connected to the club in some way, that much I’m sure of.”

I stand. “Well, wherever it is. It’s a problem for another day. Let’s get this finished.”

We pack the rest of his things in silence. When the room stands empty of any personal possessions, I remember to take the comforter from the bed. I remember Grandma knitting it when we were younger. Mom will want it for sure.

“I wonder who’ll take this room?” Mason murmurs.

“Fuck knows, but they’ve gotta sleep each night with Grumps’ spirit hovering over them.”

Our laughter fills the room, and after fist-bumping, we take the few boxes down to Mase’s truck. Old ladies are arriving, and brothers are around, waiting for the nod to begin this dark day. I do my best not to think about the moment he’s lowered into the ground. How the fuck do you get over not one significant loss to the family, but two, within days of each other. Grumps passed, not knowing Dad would be on the other side with him. I can imagine him being pissed to see Dad there first and not here with us taking his place.

“We should go see Mom before we leave.”

I nod, and together, we walk over to the main house. Alannah and Bonnie are sitting with Mom. Harper and Holly are with Victoria as she nurses River.

I lean down and brush a soft kiss on Mom’s cheek, and Mason does the same when I step back.

“Are you ready, Mom?”

She meets our gazes, and there’s nothing in her eyes. They’re as dead as her husband.

She doesn’t say a word. It’s not lost on Mase or me that just because she hasn’t said the words, that she blames us. In her silence, it’s like we can keep moving, keep talking as if she doesn’t. I wouldn’t blame her if she did. It is our fault he didn’t make it home to her.

“It’s time, Ky. Rick wouldn’t want you prolonging this,” Alannah says softly, and Mom stands.

Together, Alannah and Bonnie take her outside, and Harper and Holly leave us with Victoria.

“How are you holding up, sis?” I ask her.

“It hurts, but this little one helps.”

I drag the coffee table closer to her chair, and Mase and I sit down facing her.

“This is a blow to our family… it… we will be okay in time,” I say, feeling like shit for saying such horseshit.

“Grandpa would say it’s the way of life, that we had much more time with them than others get,” she says.

“Do you hate us?” Mason blurts out.