Sparky strolls over and scoops up another bottle. He stands where Cas moves from and clears his throat.

“The first time I met Pope, he told me to fuck off.” Laughter fills the air. “Oak had stitched me up and told me Pope had asked for me. It turns out he was fucking about with me for shits and gigs, wanting a laugh to brighten his bad day. Farewell, brother. Fuck off and be with Sally. We’ll look out for your family.”

He, too, empties his bottle into the grave, and Slade takes his place.

“The first time I dealt with Pope, it lasted twenty minutes, and he didn’t say a single word. I was on a job for Michael, and Pope was intrigued by the way I worked on the computer. He didn’t ask any questions, but he watched everything I did. It wasn’t until I was done he spoke. He said, “Impressive being clever, but can you fight when your life depends on it?” Slade huffs, remembering the memory fondly. “I told him I was pretty sure I could. And he asked me, “You wanna find out?” In that moment, I genuinely thought he was gonna pull his gun out or at least clock me on the jaw. But he stared at me. His gaze pressed me down like a wolf under his alpha’s command. He shook his head and walked off.” As he pours the whiskey into the grave, he adds, “Look out for my girl on the other side, yeah, brother?”

This is heartbreaking and not just for the Simmons family. Brothers take their turns saying a few words until each bottle of whiskey has been emptied. Mason and Myles are the ones to fill in the grave, and Victoria plants her flower seeds in the fresh mound of dirt. He won’t have a headstone, but everyone here will know by the flowers that will grow.

I move through the day at Mason’s side as Myles throws back shot after shot. Brothers reminisce in Pope’s memory. The bar is nearly drunk dry. And I grow more uncomfortable by the minute. Little pains have been nagging at me for the last hour, and now I’m concerned. They’re not going away.

I slip away from the table and head to where Rudi is sat with Angel and the guys from the Dog City Chapter.

“I need you,” I whisper close to her ear.

Together, we head up to the room Mase and I stayed in last night.

“What is it? Are you okay?” she asks.

“I don’t know. I’ve been having these pains for the last hour or so. They come and go… just here,” I tell her, pointing to my lower stomach.

Another pain hits, and I bend over, clutching at my stomach as if it’s going to stop it.

“Lie down on the bed. Let me check you over.”

I do as she instructs, and she goes on to ask, “Are you bleeding at all?”

“I haven’t checked, but I don’t think so. I mean, I can’t feel any wetness down there.”

She presses around on my lower stomach. “I think we should get you to the hospital, just to be safe. It’s most likely nothing, but we want to be sure.”

“Okay, I’ll do whatever you say.”

“It’s going to be okay, Aspen.”

I nod, and as we walk back down to the bar, Mase is waiting at the bottom.

“What’s going on?”

“I’ve been having a few pains. Rudi thinks it’s best to go get checked out.”

“I’ll grab my keys, don’t move.”

I grab onto his arm to stop him. “Stay. Be with your family. I can keep you updated, just keep your phone on and don’t drink too much.”

He slides his hand onto my cheek and swipes his thumb over my bottom lip.

“The fact you think I’d do that only makes me think you still don’t believe I’m here for you and the babies. You’re my family, and I’m going to be at your side every step of the way.”

I muster a small smile and nod.

“You ready?” Rudi asks.

“It’s okay. Mason’s going to take me.”

She turns to Mase. “You’ve been drinking.”

“I’ve had a couple. I’m fine. I wouldn’t drive if I wasn’t.”