“How’s your mom?” she asks when we’re on the road.

“The old ladies are with her. Someone slipped her a sleeping pill last night, so she got some sleep, but she’s not doing well.”

“And you two? You seem awfully calm.”

Over her head, I meet Myles’s eyes as he drags them from the road. “We’re getting through it. It’s all going to work out.” Myles nods in agreement and focuses back on the road.

“How are you doing?” Myles asks her.

“I’m doing okay now I’m going home.”

Pressing my lips to the top of her head, she sinks into my side, and I’m grateful it’s my good side, but just having her back with me, I’d take the pain or potentially pop my stitches. Only for her. Always her.

We hit the open road, and Myles put his foot down on the gas.

“Oh, I forgot in all the drama of your relationship. I’m officially off the market.”

Aspen laughs. “You’ve been off the market for several years. Or are you forgetting the mother of your children?”

Rolling his eyes, he says, “No, it’s what you say, ain’t it… when you get engaged.”

“Really? When did this happen? I just spoke to Emma earlier today.”

“Just before I saved you two from being utterly useless.”

Aspen, being next to him, shoves him in the arm for me.

“I asked her to marry me, and she said yes. It’s bitter-sweet at the moment, but as soon as we lay Dad and Grumps to rest, she’ll be walking up the aisle. Then maybe knocking her up again, who knows.”

“Fast mover, aren’t you?” Aspen mocks. “Does Em get a say in these plans of yours?”

“Of course she has, but she wants the same in life as me.” He smirks and speeds up even faster.

We reach the club in next to no time, and while Myles heads over to the main house, I take hold of Aspen’s hand and walk into the bar. Dad and Grumps are still lying on the table, but they won’t be there for much longer. Sparky is crashed out on the couch, a half bottle of tequila stuck between his legs. Slade is sitting, staring off into space. Cas is the drunkest I’ve ever seen him, but most wouldn’t notice. Slouched in his chair, years of grief bubbling on the surface. And Dex, he’s the only one with tear tracks staining his cheeks.

The scent of death and alcohol is rife in the air. I don’t mind being here with the old-timers. They’re too fucking drunk to notice me anyway. And I like how they’re guarding their bodies.

“I think this is the first time I’ve seen Pope look so… at peace.”

I look at Aspen, and I smile. She isn’t wrong. The old fucker, even when he was happy, he rarely let it show.

I let go of her hand and move closer to the table. First, I pour myself a shot of whiskey from someone’s leftover bottle and raise it over my father.

“To you, Dad, maybe you didn’t see it, but I love you, always have, always will.” I shoot the shot back and slam the glass down. I pour another shot, the whiskey spilling over the rim, and I walk around the table.

“You had to go and die when we were all out of town, didn’t ya? You saw me come into this world, yet you robbed us of being with you when you left it. You’re lucky Mom was with you, or I’d never forgive you for being alone at the end.”

I throw back the shot and toss the glass over my shoulder.

“He would’ve preferred to be alone. He would’ve seen it as an act of weakness having people see him at his most weakest at the end,” Cas murmurs.

He’s not wrong, but still, I wouldn’t have given him a choice. That’s what family does. They’re there for one another. Always.

Aspen fails to cover a yawn.

“I’m gonna take my old lady up to a room, and I’ll come say goodbye…”

When? It’s not like I can schedule a time to come and say my last goodbyes.