“How can I be father material when I can’t even protect myself?”

“I was taken, beaten, and I nearly fuckin’ died last week. Are you saying I failed to protect myself?”

Clenching his hands into fists, he mutters, “It’s not the same.”

“It isn’t?”

“I’m not father material,” he repeats.

“Guess what, you’re already a dad and you suck. Not being there for the kids is the worst thing you can do as a father. Mistakes will be made, but mistakes can be forgiven and learned from. Your absence, that shit? They won’t get over it. Stop being a pussy. You’re not gonna let Aspen have your kids, eventually meet someone else, and have the kids call him Daddy.”

I know I’m right when he clenches his fists again.

“Go to Dog City, beg for her forgiveness, and bring your family home. It’ll be the one thing in your life you won’t ever regret.”

“When did you get so…”

“Awesome?” I snort. “Always have been, brother.”

“I’m not a good man, you know that.”

“None of us are. But we’re good to the ones we care about. Up till now, you’ve been good to Aspen. She’s your ride or die, and you know it, so sort your fuckin’ life out and step up 'cause honestly, you’re starting to embarrass me.”

I slap him on the back. “We bury Grumps tomorrow, and you’re gonna want her at your side.”

He stares out over the land of corpses and wandering souls. I leave him be with his thoughts and wonder what our lives would be like if we had never have met our old ladies. I stop. I can’t bear imagining a life without Emma.

He jumps down and jerks his head toward the truck.

“Let’s go.”

“Where? To Dog City?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I need to make amends and fix my family.”

“You can’t drop me off first.”

“We’re closer to the city. Trust me, I won’t be hanging around there for long. Get there, get my old lady, and get home.”

Sounds like a plan.

Once on the road, I ask, “What made you change your mind?”

“I put my shit aside and really thought what it would be like if she never came home, and I didn’t fuckin’ like it.”

“You know what you’re gonna say?”

His hands tighten around the wheel, and he shakes his head.

“Start with you’re sorry, women tend to love that.”

“When I see her, I’ll know what to say.” He speeds up. “Call Angel, let him know we’re on our way.”

Chapter Sixteen


The prospect, Konan, I think his name is, opens the gate for us, and I pull in and park up around the back of Luca’s clubhouse. It’s nothing like home, and I wonder how my sister stands to be around so much concrete and polluted air.