I walk off in front of them and wonder if I am losing my touch. But fuck that, no, I’m not. My glare alone has the kids admitting to the shit they do. And besides, the kids had valid points. Mason was right when I taught them never to rat. And Leo was right in the fact he wasn’t shooting toward the house where he could’ve hurt someone. Oh fucking hell. This is why it’s easier to teach kids these things but in a careful, safe way.

I go to backtrack to the treehouse when I remember I wouldn’t be able to climb the rope ladder.

“Rick, go get your boys’ gun. Perhaps we should put it away for the day.”

I take my seat at the garden table as Sally and Lana start to bring out the food and more beer.

The boys run back outside and stop short when they see me.

“If we promise not to play with the guns, can we show Leo our bikes in the garage?” Myles asks.

“Yes, but don’t fuckin’ ride them! Or touch anything!”

“We won’t!”

I had no idea what having grandkids would be like, but my grandsons are my heart, along with their sister. I guess it’s not so bad having Cas and his boys here, watching them get into trouble and seeing how they worm their way out of it. These are the moments I will remember if I’m lucky enough to grow old while waiting for the reaper to drag my ass to hell.

Chapter Ten


Ihad my chance to visit the Dog City clubhouse the day Rudi and Angel were married at town hall. Victoria invited me back, but I declined, wanting to be in Willow’s Peak, where I felt closer to Mason. Though he wasn’t dead, he was in prison. The thought of being in Willow’s Peak with Mason around and not being with him makes me want to cry.

The clubhouse is a stark reminder I’m in the city. In all its bricked and small window glory. I breathe a sigh of relief that Rudi’s waiting out front for me. I’ve seen the Dog City brothers around a couple of times back home when they visited with Luca, but I’ve never met any of them personally.

Rudi points to a gate off to the side, and I drive through, park, and kill the engine. I wonder where Mason and the club are? Have they left yet? No, I can’t keep thinking about him. I left because it wasn’t healthy to be around him. There’s no point leaving if only to bring him with me, mentally.

Rudi envelopes me in her arms the moment I’m out of the car. I happily take her love. It’s been a while since I’ve felt anyaffection. Since Mason’s release, there’s been a void between us, and no matter how hard I’ve tried to close it, it just widens the distance between us.

“Come on, you’ve had a long drive. Let’s get you inside and get you something to eat.”

I go to argue I’m not hungry, but it’s not just myself I have to look out for anymore. My baby needs me to eat and be strong, and I will.

Rudi leads me through the back door, and I step into a brightly lit kitchen and a Doberman dog rising from its bed in the corner.

“Luca, tell Princess Aspen’s a friend,” Rudi says, a warning note in her tone.

I didn’t see Luca when I entered. He’s sitting at a table, feeding his son. In all the hours it took me to drive here, it completely slipped my mind Victoria would be here.

Luca lets out a small, sharp whistle, shakes his head at the dog, and the dog lays back down.

“I’m surprised to see you here. Shouldn’t you be with Mason?”

“We… I… it’s complicated.” I settle with, and luckily, Luca, being Luca, doesn’t care enough to push on wanting details.

“I’m leaving with Tor tomorrow. Mason knows you’re here?”

“Yes. I told him before I left.”

“Does he care you’re here?”

“Luca!” Rudi admonishes him.

“It’s a simple question. I don’t need my brother-in-law showing up causing trouble because his old lady is hiding out here, especially mygrievingbrother-in-law.”

“I get it,” I say, stepping in. The last thing I want to do is make myself a burden and cause problems. “He knows, and he doesn’t care. There won’t be any trouble.”
