I already know they won’t call Kyla and Victoria here. If the worst should happen, like with their father, the club will take their brothers home, where Kyla and everyone else will be waiting.

Cas walks beside me as we follow the nurse. There’s always been a sinking but fleeting thought that I could lose Mason through club business. Yet, being around him, it truly was fleeting because he led me to believe he was untouchable. That nothing could take him out.

“I can’t lose him, Cas. He can’t leave me, not how things were left between us.”

“Hey,” he says quietly as we turn the corner. “We’ve already lost too much. Mason and Myles will fight, and in no time, we’ll all go home, and this will be yet another memory for us. You hear me?”

I hope to God he’s right. Mason and Myles are roomed next to one another. Cas gives my arm a gentle squeeze. “I’ll be right here. The police are probably gonna show up at some point. Keep your mouth shut and wait for one of us.”

I manage a small smile and step into Mason’s room. It slips immediately when I lay eyes on Mase. It’s exactly as I was expecting, but I’m not as ready as I’d thought I’d be. The wires, the machines surrounding him, the paleness set in his face. I fall onto the chair at his bedside and swallow thickly.

“I’m terrified I’m going to lose you. You once promised me you’d never leave and you’d never hurt me. You’ve already broken the latter, please don’t break the first. I need you more now than I ever have. But I’m angry with you. So fucking angry. I get that you wanted to be with Myles because you thought he was dying, but when you knew you'd been shot, you didn’t want me there with you. You had no right to take those last moments from me if that was how it was going to go down.” I take a deep breath and finish, “But you’re going to rest, then open your eyes. You’re going to be discharged, then we’re going to go home, and we’re going to sort all our shit out and come out the other end.”

I hope he hears me, but I’ll repeat it again and again if not. I’ll say it all as many times as needed for it to sink in.

I wake to the sound of machines going crazy. Lifting my head from the edge of Mason’s bed, his eyes are open, and he’s choking on the tube down his throat. Before I can cry out for a nurse or a doctor, nurses rush into his room. I push back in the chair, moving out of their way, and then, from the corner of my eye, I see more nurses rushing toward Myles’s room.

“Is he okay? What’s going on?” I demand frantically.

One of the nurses remembers I’m here and ushers me toward the door.

“He’s woken up. When I know more, I’ll let you know.” She closes the door at the same time someone closes Cas out of Myles’s room. For one swift moment, we stare at one another.

“Mason woke up,” I tell him.

“So did Myles.” The frown lines between his brows deepen. “They awoke at the same time.”

Their twin bond has always been a subject of weirdness, but this stretches beyond the realm of freakiness.

“This is good, yes?” I ask Cas. I needed him to verify what the doctors will hopefully come out and tell us.

“I’d say so.” He walks toward me. “You wait here. I’m going to update the others…”

I’m about to suggest he wait until he knows what’s going on, but their doors open, and nurses pile out.

Two stay behind, and each of them wears a smile. Definitely a good sign, I tell myself.

Cas and I didn’t get off to a good start when we first met, but I find myself clinging to his arm and him placing his hand over mine.

Myles’s nurse is the first to speak. “Your nephew has regained consciousness. His vitals are good, considering we didn’t have much hope. He’s certainly a fighter.”

“Is he still awake?”

“Yes. He’ll be in and out for a while, but so far, it’s looking like he’ll stay with us.”

“Thank you, honestly, thank you.”

I look to Mason’s nurse, waiting for him to speak.

“It seems Mason is following in his brother’s stead. His vitals are considerably stronger than we hoped for. He’s slipped back into sleep, but he should stay awake longer the next time.”

They both watch our sighs of relief, and Myles’s nurse goes on to tell us, “We’re still not out of the dark, but there’s more hope than there was yesterday.”

With a friendly smile, they both head over to the nurse’s station, and I frown.

“Yesterday? How long was I asleep?” I ask, more to myself than Cas.

“I popped my head in a couple of times. You were sleeping. While there wasn’t anything happening, I didn’t think to wake you. Best you got some rest so you are strong when he wakes.”