“Drive faster!” Leo instructs so loudly it rips his throat.

It doesn’t matter how fast the brother drives, it doesn’t feel fast enough. My future has never been so far from me. I can’t lose Mason. I don’t even know who I am without him anymore. For all the arguments and hurtful words about our baby, I never thought for one second that it would always be like that. I was frustrated because I knew he’d come around after getting his head right. He just needed time, like Myles said.

My gaze falls to the side, and I take Myles in. All that time, he was hiding his suffering from me.

As the brothers continue CPR, I sit forward on my knees and hold each of their hands. On my right, my baby’s father. On my left, my baby’s uncle.

“I swear to everything that’s unholy, if either of you leave me and Emma, we’ll hunt you down in the afterlife and make you regret it for all eternity,” I vow, hoping they can hear me wherever they are.

“They’re gonna be fine. They’re just bein’ dramatic.”

If that’s what Leo has to tell himself, I’m not going to correct him. Deep down, I always knew it was me and Myles that Mason loved the most. He cares deeply for his family and the club, but he’s different with us two.

“I see the hospital!” the driver hollers back, yet no relief washes through me.

Then, in the next breath, we’re there, and the world becomes so loud and urgent. I’m pushed to the side, and it’s like I’m watching during an out-of-body experience.

Cas, Sparky, and the Southern Chapter brothers ride toward us, fast. They all come to a hard stop around the van, not caring that they’re parking in the unloading bay. I don’t know why I’m thinking it’s a problem. The love of my life is teetering on theverge of life and death. Where the club parks their motorcycles is no concern of mine.

I blink, and it’s dark outside, and I’m sitting in a family room. Maybe losing time is a good thing. I don’t want to remember any of this.

Leo constantly paces. Cas is on the phone, murmuring quietly over in the corner. Sparky has his head hung in his hands and sits on one of the hard, plastic chairs. Zach is leaning against the wall, one foot up in support and rolling a joint between his fingers. For a moment, I wonder why Ricky isn’t here, and then it hits me. I claw at my chest as it tightens and struggle to breathe through the pain shooting across my heart.

I have so many questions, but I can’t even open my mouth to ask a single one.

Twelve hours.

That’s how long it is before two doctors and nurses walk in.

One doctor clears his throat and proceeds to ask, “Which of you is Myles Simmon's family?”

At first, no one speaks up. A sense of doom has entered with them.

“Hospital rules are I can only talk to the family of Mr. Simmons.”

Cas steps forward. “I’m his uncle. You can talk to me.”

“Very well.” The doctor sighs. “Your nephew has sustained quite extensive damage to his abdominal. He’s lucky you got him here when you did. We managed to stop the internal bleeding, but he’s very much still in a critical condition. It’s on him and God to pull in now. The next twenty-four hours are critical.”

I find the will to stand, and all eyes turn to me. “What about Mason?”

“And you are?”

“She’s his wife,” Leo says, standing beside me.

The second doctor gives me his full attention. “Your husband lost a lot of blood, but by some miracle, we’ve managed to stabilise him. Like his brother, the next twenty-four hours are critical.”

A rush of relief swarms me, and I stumble back onto the chair.

“When can we see them?” I hear Leo ask, and I look back up to the doctor.

“We want to keep them settled for now, but Mrs. Simmons is welcome to sit with her husband. The nurse will show where he is.”

I stand once again, and Leo moves in front of me. “As soon as he’s awake, you let us know. If anything else happens, you let us know.”

“It goes without saying,” I murmur and walk around him.

Myles’s doctor tells Cas, “You’re welcome to go and sit with your nephew. I advise you to call your family and anyone who may want to say goodbye. Just in case.”