He steps into the room, and under protest, he lifts her and carries her out.

“You should go with her, be with her for a while...”

“You think I’m gonna let you die on me. There’s a hospital not far from here.”

“Not gonna make it, Mase. Nor are you.”

Frowning, I look down to where he’s staring and place my fingers over the bloodied part of my tee. Gingerly lifting the fabric, there’s a bullet hole in my side.

I was shot.

Now I’ve seen it, I feel it.


I fall back on my ass and drag myself so I’m sitting beside my brother.

Leo stares down at us for what feels like long minutes before everything around us speeds up… too fast.

“Go get the van! Now!” he roars, the loudest I’ve ever heard him.

He falls to his knees at my side. “Neither of you are gonna die. Shut your fucking mouths and just stay alive.” He roughly shrugs out of his cut and rips his hoodie off over his head. He presses it to my wound. It does little to help, but I get the pressure thing.

He’s trying to stop the inevitable.

“Leo, I need you to give me your word. You’ll watch out for my family. My kids… fuck, Emma.”

A tear rolls down his cheek, and the pain in his eyes I can feel in my chest.

“You’ll get better and do it yourself.”

“I held out for Aspen, but I feel it…”

“Didn’t I tell you to shut up? Don’t make me order it.”

As if we both know to block out everything and everyone around us, we look at each other.

Death fills his gaze, and I know he sees it himself in mine.

“Came into this world together, always knew we’d leave it together too.”

I snort. “No other way.”

Leo pushes the hoodie harder against me, taking my breath away.

“Where’s that van?” he hollers.

“Do you remember when we patched in and promised each other we’d never die?”

We were a bottle of tequila into our celebration, I remember it surprisingly well. “Seems stupid now, huh?”

“We’ve never broken a promise to each other.”

“Hey, we know we’re fucked up. You were telling me you’re not surprised we weren’t killed off by now? I’d say our luck hasn’t been that bad.”

Myles laughs, but it sounds all wrong. “We’ve done good, though. Aspen told me she was pregnant. Our kids will grow up hearing about us… they will, won’t they? If I can’t be with them, I need to be with them in some way.”

“You two need to seriously shut up. Fuckin’ women,” Leo grunts.