“If that’s what happens, you know I will. But what makes you think I’m making it out of here if you don’t?”

“I didn’t think of that. I don’t know, it just makes you feel better, doesn’t it, thinking you’re dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s.”

“Feel better by thinking of how we can get out of here because I’m not watching you die, and my ass is starting to go numb.”

“Yeah, I’ll get on that with my busted ribs. We’ll just sneak out and make a run for it. We’ll be fine.”

Rolling her eyes at my sarcasm, she mutters, “Hence why I said think of a plan, one that will accommodate your injuries.”

I should tell her that I’m pretty sure I’m internally bleeding. Even if I could make a run for it with a concussion and broken ribs, I don’t think I could move from other injuries. But to keep her calm, I say, “I’ll think of something.”

Chapter Six


One brother.

One old lady.

My whole fucking world.


I don’t move, not a single muscle, from where I stand at the end of the bar. Brothers are preparing to head out on a search with wider perimeters. If I move, I’ll rip this place apart from sheer frustration and built-up rage. I should never have let Aspen leave, especially with everything going on. I knew better, and yet I did nothing. If anything happens to her, I can’t… I won’t… Fuck! I can’t go through life without either one of them. I need my brother, and I need my old lady. Why the fuck didn’t I stop her? Why didn’t I head out with Myles on the search for these dead men walking the day he was taken? If I were with him, there wouldn’t have been a single moment he was alone. I would’ve been with him, and they would have either had to take us both or no one at all. Wyatt and the southern chapter returnfrom their trip. They were to track down any information from the local junkies and snitches. Wyatt heads straight for Leo.

I still don’t move, and I can’t hear them from where I stand. Leo occasionally glances my way, and from the lack of communication, I’m guessing they’ve got fuck all.

I swing my eyes over to where my dad is standing by the window and watch as he stares out onto the street. This is why I don’t want kids. If Aspen has this baby and anything happens to it, I don’t know how we’d come back from it. The pain of potentially losing my brother and old lady is fucked up enough. But a kid, that’s soul-destroying territory.

Leo strolls toward me. “Our Southern brothers are finally showing some worth. According to one of their snitches, this new gang is held up just outside of town.”

Fuck, Leo’s poker face is stone. I was just watching him, and he gave nothing away.

But I still don’t move.

Hope is dangerous.

Leo slaps my shoulder and squeezes. “This is the best lead we’ve had so far.”


“Get tooled up, we’re leaving in five.”

“I’m good to go now.”

He nods and walks off as my phone rings. No surprise, Emma’s name fills my screen.

Do I give her hope or not?

I slide my thumb across the screen and answer, deciding on how to proceed. I’ll treat her the same way I would want to be treated.

“Hey, before you ask, we have a lead, and we’re on our way out to bring him home.”

“You do?” A long, heavy breath fills the line, and she adds, “That’s good, yes. Good. Will you get him to call me when he’s with you? I need to hear his voice.”

“I’ll get him to call you as soon as he can. I promise. I’ve gotta go.”

“Be careful, Mase. Watch your back.”