Page 5 of The Romanos


“Stay with me the night?” I ask Emma.

I know what I told Bennett. But this woman,mywoman? I want her to come to me willingly. I’m ready to woo and seduce her. She has nothing to do with that moron’s debt, despite the excuse I used to keep her here.

Her dazed expression softens.

“You’re asking,” she states. “That’s a nice surprise. I thought you took whatever the hell you wanted. "

I chuckle. Such irreverence.

“Cara, if I took what I wanted you would be-” Before I can finish, Emma presses a hand over my mouth.

" No, uh-huh. Enough with the impromptu dirty talk.”

Her palm muffles the sound of my laughter. When she removes her hand, she shakes her head, granting me a reluctant smile.

“You’re trouble, Alessandro Romano.”

“You have no idea, sweetheart.”

I take both of her hands, lacing my long, thick, calloused fingers through her shorter, manicured, soft ones.

“What do you say? Sleepover?”

Her eyes grow big once more, and an honest-to-God belly laugh rises from her perfect lips, the sound wrapping itself around me and slipping into my heart in a delicious warmth.

Once she sobers up, Emma asks, “I thought you were taking me as partial payment for Jimmy’s debt?”

I smirk.

“I said that so he would leave and you’d stay. You have nothing to do with Bennett’s debt. We don’t believe in inflicting casualties. Each person pays for their own sins.” I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her flush into my body, her soft curves melting into my hard. “This is strictly between you and me.”

Emma takes in a sharp inhale when her body collides with mine. I can feel her hard nipples through the layers of our clothing, the caress of her ragged breath on my collarbones. Ifuckinglove the way her eyes go hazy and her parted lips call for more heated kisses.

“You don’t play fair, Romano.”

“No, not fair. But always honest.”

She watches me closely, staring deep into my eyes, in search of the answers to her questionings. I can see her pulse beat erratically at the hollow of her throat.

Emma licks her lips in a nervous gesture and my dick twitches.Fuck, I want to suck on that soft, pink tongue.

“Let’s say I agree to… this. Then what happens tomorrow?”

I bring a large hand up to cup the back of her neck, feeling the soft tendrils of hair, her velvety skin, running my thumb over her smooth cheek.

“What do you want to happen,cara?” When she remains quiet, I add, “if things go the way I think, then I will want to see you again, sweetheart.”

“So you’re saying if we suck in bed…”

I can’t contain my laughter. I pull her in, wrapping my arms tightly around her voluptuous body. When my amusement recedes, I tell her, shaking my head, “sweetheart, there’s nofuckingway anything we do together will suck. I almost came in my pants just kissing you, like some pimply teenager. And Iknowyou’refuckingdrenched.”

I finish my sentence with my lips brushing the sensitive shell of her ear, and Emma shivers from head to toe, letting out a ragged, “fuck…”

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’,” I growl before scooping her up in my arms. At the same time, I take her full lips again in a ravenous kiss.

Emma doesn’t miss a beat. She barely lets out a muffled sound of surprise before returning my kiss and looping her arms behind my neck.Fuck, I fucking love how hot she is for me.