Page 21 of The Romanos

“Where are we going?” I chance asking.

Still no answer. Just the streetlight carving his sharp features in the shadows. That cut jaw, those cheekbones, the knot at his thick eyebrows. He looks like Zeus, ready to throw lightning down on earth.

I try to take stock of the situation. A lot happened tonight between us. All of it was intense, borderline scary. It’s normal for one of us to panic at some point, right? The weirdest part is that I’m not afraid. The scolding waves of anger flowing from Mateo worry me for him, for us, but I have no fear of my well-being with this man. My mind and body can still conjure the ghost of his soft kisses, the press of his hands, his tongue, and lips. The way he looked at me before this point held me like I was the most precious thing in the world. In his world. I can’t let this turn of event wipe away all of that.

While my mind is in shambles, I don’t realize which direction he takes until the car turns on the street, tires squealing. Then abruptly brakes in front of the Frat House, mighty engine still roaring. He abruptly opens his door and walks around to mine. Briskly opens it, bends at the waist to undo my seatbelt in one swift click, and grabs me by the forearm to pull me out.

I stand next to the car, shocked by his actions.

“Matt?” I ask with deep worry.

He leans into me, bringing his face close enough to kiss, but all his coal dark eyes reflect is fury.

“I don’t know who the fuck sent you, but you can tell them Mateo Romano is not going down easy.”

I shake my head, dumbfounded. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” My eyes well up with tears. How did things take such a horrible turn?

“Get the fuck back inside. Find your friends or whoever you’re here with. And I better never lay eyes on your lying ass again!” When I just stand there staring at him, staggered, he barks, “no!”, startling me. And I jump into action, scurrying to the two-story building.

I look over my shoulder just to catch Mateo’s powerful car blasts off into the night.What the hell happened?!


I stare into Mateo’s soulful dark eyes, unable to repress the huge smile that’s taken over my face. Shaking my head, I let out a small laugh.

“How are you?”

He squeezes my hand. “I’m good. Great, now.” His grin is devastatingly handsome. “Been dreading and wishing for this for a long time.”


We’re standing in the middle of the busy hotel lobby. Mateo towering over me by a good foot, looking down fondly into my face. My head turned up to meet his overwhelming gaze. There are so many emotions coursing through my mind, body, and heart. And I see them all reflected in him. Happiness, relief, excitement. A fucking blazing fire, like he’s ready to maul me right here and now with no fucks given to the surrounding people. But there’s something else there, too… guilt. I can see it clear as day. And I can only pray that means he knows he messed up all those years ago, and that he’s ready to make things right.


I don’t deserve to be looked at the way this woman is gazing up at me. Her big doe eyes are warm, filled with love, joy. She’s fucking burning for me. As bright as a star a million light-years away, that’s the sun to another galaxy. Fuck. I fucking broke her heart, hurt her physically. Even if I didn’t realize it at the time. And definitely hurt her with my words and actions. And for what? Because I thought she was jail-bait? A trap? Sent to lure me with her magical pussy. I was such a stupid moron.

I cup the side of her face in my large palm, reveling in the softness of her skin. And when she leans into my touch, my heart swells and my dick jumps in my slacks. Fuck. My girl. So trusting. So fucking responsive. From the second we met.

I lean over and press my lips to hers, aiming for a soft, prolonged peck. But things quickly escalate… Just like she did all those years ago, Zina grabs me by the neck and pulls me down, mashing our lips together and pushing her delicious tongue inside my mouth. The taste of her spreads all over my taste buds, lighting up every nerve inside my body, saturating my brain with pleasure. My hands slides to her incurved waist and squeeze the soft flesh. She feels so fucking good. I want, no, Ineedto be inside my girl.

I take a step back, panting. “Sweetheart, we need to talk.” I caress her soft hair.

She nods. “Talk. Right.” Her big brown eyes are dazed, her breathing ragged. And she’s so goddamn beautiful that my heart squeezes inside my chest.

I shake my head, smiling, and wrap my hand around hers. “Come.”

Guiding her through the lobby, we make our way to a set of elevators in a discreet hallway, far from the main ones. I pull a key card from my suit jacket to activate the call button. When we climb inside the steel cabin, I pull Zina into my arms again, burying my face into the crook of her neck. I take a deep inhale, eyes closed. Fuck, she smells the same. Her perfume is different. Not the floral scent of her younger self, but a sophisticated, intriguing aroma. But that undertone of feminine musk that goes straight to my balls, making them heavy with need, is all Zina. I groan, pressing my hard-on into her plump body.

“God, you feel the same way you did.”

She lets out a small, shaky laugh, squeezing my back muscles. “You, too.”

I lift my face and bring my mouth to hers, taking her full lips in a long, dizzying kiss. “You also taste the same… so fucking good.”

She grins against my lips, saying into my mouth, “ditto.”

I chuckle and pull her tightly into another bear-hug.