Page 77 of Ruthless Hunter

Whatever restraint was holding him back from truly standing up to me before is gone.

“What did you just say?” I rush him and the idiot comes at me, too.

“I said you can’t tell me what to do,” he sneers. “She was mine first, so if I want to touch her I can. Wherever I want.”

“Ryan, what the hell? Stop it,” Luna tries to cut in, looking panicked.

“Let him talk, Luna. Let me hear just how much he touched you.”

I place emphasis on my implication so there’s no confusion about what I mean.

“We didn’t do anything.” Luna grabs my arm to pull me back but I’m like a raging bull. When Ryan smirks I see red.

“Don’t lie, baby.” Ryan’s smile becomes Joker-wide as he looks between Luna and me. “Tonight was more special. Luna saved herself for me so all I did was take what belongs to me.”

I smash my fist in the middle of his face, sending him flying backwards into the bush.

“Stop it!” Luna screams, but I ignore her.

So does Ryan.

I launch myself at him at the same time he springs back on his feet and we clash in the middle like two wild animals who want to tear out each other’s throats.

It seems that Ryan was relying on his Army skills to beat my ass but there is no match for my particular blend of fucked up and crazy. It helps that I was a no-nonsense linebacker for my football teams in high school and college, and I boxed for over fifteen years.

When people like me lose our shit, blood pours from the sky.

Suddenly we’re fighting, throwing punches and trying to take each other down. Ryan makes the mistake of backing away to swing at me, thinking he’s going to land a punch in my face. He doesn’t.

I block the punch, duck, then shove my shoulder into his chest. He loses his footing and stumbles so I take the opportunity to knock him down.

The moment I get on top of him and start punching the shit out of him Ryan knows it’s game fucking over. I see it in his eyes and feel it in his attempts to escape the death lock I’ve gripped him in. Beneath that is the shock that he couldn’t take me down.

“Don’t you ever fucking touch my wife again!” I shout in his face, raining my fists down on him. Then I’m being pulled backwards.

I glance behind me and when I see the faces of Luc, Asher and Jericho, it feels like I’m in high school again and they’ve been summoned to break up one of my fights.

I should have known they would follow me when they saw me leaving to find Luna and Ryan.

“Fucking let me go!” I shout.

“Hunter, cool off,” Luc growls. Of the three of them, he’s got the most power and is the tallest so I’m struggling to get out of his hold.

“Let me go.”

“Hunter.” That’s my father now.

On hearing his voice from behind me I freeze.

Father walks around us and stares at me. As our eyes lock I don’t know what feels worse.

Losing my shit on my fiancée’s childhood best friend or the shock and borderline disappointment on my father’s face.

No… The answer is actually neither of those things.

The thing that hits me like a kick to my gut is watching Luna rush to Ryan’s side to check if he’s okay.

Then I remember that she’s Juliet, he’s her Romeo, and I’m the villain.