Page 68 of Ruthless Hunter

He nods with pride.

“That’s impressive.” I really mean that. I’ve never been into anything like that, where I’d aim to win something every year. “And you’re out on the open sea for all that time?”

“I am. It’s just me, the open sea and my boat. After the competition I always sail to Portugal, so I’m gone for another few weeks.”

I raise my brows in sheer surprise. “Portugal as in Europe?”

“Portugal as in Europe. I do it every year.”

“By yourself?”

“All by myself.”

“My gosh. That’s an awfully long way to sail on your own. Aren’t you ever worried something could happen to you?”

“Of course, but nothing ever has. It’s the one thing I do that doesn’t involve business.”

“Well, it sounds adventurous.”

He sets his wine down and leans closer. “It is. And there. That’s one more thing you know about me.”

“Yeah. You surprise me. A lot.”

The sheen of desire fills his eyes and he reaches out to touch my cheek. “Not so boring after all, Bellissima?”

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

Mischief fills his eyes. “No?”

“No. I just couldn’t find anything in your office at the time that was interesting.”

“Okay, you’re forgiven. Come with me?”

His question throws me, and I wonder if I heard right. “Say that again?”

“Go sailing with me.”

“Seriously? Me, go with you?” I point to myself as if to check he really means me. “You honestly want me to go with you on a sailing trip?”

He thinks for a moment. “Maybe I don’t like the idea of leaving my wife behind for pesky predators to get their hands on her.”

My wife—why do I suddenly like the way he says that? I hated it the other week when he was laying down the law.

“I promise it’ll be fun,” he adds.

“It sounds like fun and I’ve always wanted to go sailing.” On my bucket list, I have a goal to go on an adventure with no destination in mind. This sounds like it would fit right into that. But with him? “I just can’t imagine being on the sea for what…a month?”

“That’s about right.”

“You do realize we’d probably kill each other during that time, right?”

“There are other things we can do besides fight to the death, Bellissima.” He winks at me, giving me that smile again that would have charmed many women out of their dignity.

I can just imagine us on a boat together with no filter or buffers from life to hold us back. What would we do?

What would I want him to do to me?

“How about you think about it, since you already are.”