Page 66 of Ruthless Hunter

“You are such an asshole,” I snap at Hunter the moment we step outside.

My blood is so hot it feels like it’s going to burn through my skin and pour out of my pores like lava.

“Talking about the asshole thing again, Bellissima.” He keeps his head straight, not looking at me as we proceed down the sidewalk. “Please find a new theme.”

“I can’t believe you just spoke to Ryan that way. You were so rude to him.”

“He was rude to me first. And the shit-faced prick was disrespectful. Most people would have dropped the idea of lunch the moment they saw me. But he insisted. He’s lucky I didn’t knock his teeth down his throat.”

With my mouth hanging open I glance up at him, wondering if he would really do that. “You think he deserved something so drastic?”

“What the hell? Have you met me?” He stares at me with raised brows, looking at me as if I’m the crazy one.

“Hunter, that is ridiculous.”

“What’s ridiculous is that I’m fairly certain I told you you couldn’t be friends with him, but you were ready to snuggle up for lunch.”

“We’re working.”

“Lunch is not working. Lunch is man code for trying to get an afternoon fuck, or at the very least a blow job. And like I said before, he’s not putting his dick anywhere near you.”

An elderly woman walking by with her poodle hears his vulgar warning and cuts him a hard stare, but typical Hunter, he doesn’t care. He wouldn’t care if an army of nuns walked by, or God himself. Hunter would still be talking about Ryan keeping his dick away from me.

“You’re acting crazy. We were just planning a harmless lunch, then we’d go straight back to work and discuss the fundraiser. That is all.”

“I know not even you believe that.” He gives me a side-eye glance as if he knows about the conversation Ryan and I had the other day.

There’s no way he’d know what we spoke about, but Hunter is far from stupid. You can’t trick a man like him or talk your way out of a situation when you know he already knows what’s going on.

“Your friend is doing his best to fight for you and hang on to whatever hope he thinks he still has. But it’s too late for him.”

“That doesn’t mean you need to be rude to him.”

“I told you I won’t share you with anyone. Remember that.” He tightens his grip on my hand. It’s only then I remember we’re holding hands.

We both glance down at our hands between us, then look back at each other. When he smiles I glance away and stare at any- and everything to avoid looking at him— the donut shop with the display in the windows, the flowers outside the florist, the hot dog stand with the line of customers, the man on his bicycle riding by.

“You can stop acting like you didn’t miss me now.” The sudden tenderness in Hunter’s voice lures me back to face him, but he’s not looking at me.

“I didn’t miss you.” I hardly believe myself anymore.

“Liar.” He looks at me now, knowing I’m being dishonest. “You were wet for me the instant you saw me. You totally forgot Captain America was right next to you.”

“You are so vile.”

“It’s not vile if it’s true, Bellissima.” We stop and he stares down at me. “Don’t force me to bend you over and check your panties to prove I’m right. You know I’ll do it.”

A bolt of heat shoots down to the soles of my feet. I have to keep my breathing slow and measured so my lungs don’t pop.

His possessive nature, dominance and overly confident arrogance are so overpowering it jars my brain but, damn me, I know I’m turned on. Turned on by him. And the way his smile brightens the longer he stares at me tells me he more than knows it, too.

“Why are you really here, Hunter? Aren’t you supposed to be flying around somewhere in the world on business?” I hope the subject change can soothe the wild sexual charge pulsing through me.

His impromptu visit must clearly be one of those offhand days off he mentioned a few weeks back. I just wish I’d had more of a heads-up.

“We haven’t been on a date yet. This is that.”

“A date?” Damn me again. Hearing that makes my stomach flutter with the same anticipation I felt when I first thought of him asking me out.