Page 117 of Ruthless Hunter

Hunter and I have been trying to schedule in family time with our parents every other week. This week is my turn, but Hunter couldn't make it because he had meetings that ran over. I miss him, but it's still been great to see my family.

"When are you planning this event?" Dad asks.

"February for Valentine's Day. I was hoping to make it themed."

Dad looks even more impressed. "That’s definitely going to bring in a lot of money.”

“I have faith it will.”

“Wow, Luna, I knew you'd be good at running the charity, but you’ve done more than I Imagined. Your ideas are absolutely astounding, and the public is in awe of you. That's been great for my campaign."

“That makes me happier.”

He's right, and I'm apparently the new, New York Angel. Somehow, I took the title from Alexis.

Given what I know about her, I don't feel bad. Finding out what she did to Hunter left a bitter aftertaste in my soul. It’s the kind of disturbing news that leaves you feeling shaken and hollow because you can’t comprehend it.

Hunter and I have come incredibly far, but I know the past still haunts him.

Now that I know what he endured, it haunts me, too.

I have the fairytale marriage with him, and we feel like the dream couple I've always wanted us to be. When I look at him, I see all I ever wanted, but the worry of that emotional disconnection remains.

We've never said those three magical words to each other—I love you.

What kind of couple are we if we can’t say those words to each other?

Every time I feel like we’re getting close to saying them and we don’t, I remember the day on the beach in Antigua when I felt that Hunter would never be able to give me his heart.

It’s a problem I’ve pushed aside because things are so good between us, I don’t want to spoil it. I’ve played love’s fool and accepted that my worries about Hunter and me are the kind that will have to be fixed whenever the time is right.

"I'm so proud of the way our family has worked hard to pull everything together." Dad’s voice steers me away from my dark thoughts, and I return my focus to him and Kimberly.

"Families who work hard always reap the greatest rewards." Kimberly nods with conviction.

"We've all had a part to play, and we played it well." Dad smiles back at her. "In a handful of weeks, I'll be New York's next governor. It feels like a dream to me. It's onward and upwards from here."

I raised my glass of wine to that, feeling happy for him. "You deserve it, Dad. You really do."

"Thank you, my darling daughter. You'll never know how grateful I truly am for your part in this achievement, and I must say it's been great seeing you and Hunter getting on so well."

"We're happy." My heart warms when I think of how happy Hunter makes me. "And you were right. Hunter Le Blanche was the best guy for me."

Dad gives me his father-knows-best smile. "I'm glad to hear that."

There is no doubt in my mind about that now. It’s hard to believe I could have felt any different from how I feel. Even when I think of Ryan.

I haven't seen as much of him as I thought I would, but that's been okay. Things are strictly work-related and friendly between us, even though I suspect at times he’s secretly hoping he still has a chance. He doesn’t.

“With all that said, I'm happy to take your father away for the next few days.” Now Kimberly raises her glass, too. “Here’s to a much-needed break.”

“Yes, you both need it.” I nod.

Dad and Kimberly are going to Zurich for a week. The only hobby my father enjoys is skiing. I completely suck at it, but as I like the snow, I try to enjoy it when I'm there.

"Make sure you have fun, Dad."

"I will, my dear," he says. "There'll be a ton of work waiting for me when I get back, so I know if I miss out on this chance for R&R, I won't get it again for a long time to come."