Page 83 of Ruthless Hunter

Over a month later and look at me.

I’m in another man’s bed. A man I just gave my virginity to.

It’s strange how much time can change things in ways you never imagine.

Everything is happening dangerously fast, but it’s happening, and for some crazy reason, I chose Hunter.

It had nothing to do with Dad or the prospect of what Hunter’s connections could give us for our future. I picked Hunter because I wanted to.

That was the thing that has conflicted me all these long weeks of trying to wrap my head around my new situation.

Now the question is, where do I go from here?

What do I do?

What did last night mean for Hunter and me?

Did it mean we could make this work and be real?

More importantly… is that what I want? To be with him and truly be his?

The warmth surrounding my heart tells me that I do.

At the same time I’m scared to death because it’s not like I don’t know who and what Hunter is.

The wedding is now six days away. I won’t see Hunter until then.

I guess I’ll have to wait to see what happens when we take our vows.

One more hour, then I’ll head home.

I just need to finalize the plans for the fundraiser.

The time has come around so quickly I can’t believe the event is practically knocking at my door.

After lunch I confined myself to my office where I’ve been working nonstop on getting everything ready.

I’m off from tomorrow onwards for the wedding, which is now three days away.

The fundraiser is next Tuesday, so I want everything ready to go when I get back.

Working on something so important has been fun but, sadly, I’ve once again had to use it as a distraction as I haven’t heard from Hunter.

I don’t really know what to think about that. It’s only been three days and it’s not like we spoke on the phone all the time before. Or at all.

Everything is up in the air and vague, which is no surprise.

We also didn’t exactly do any talking last time we saw each other, so I’m not sure what to expect.

Maybe I was just hoping he would call or something, but I suppose this is his way.

A knock at my door makes me lift my head.

I’m shocked to see Ryan standing in the doorway gazing at me.

Bruises still mar his face and he still looks as battered as if he were fighting in a gladiator’s arena.

We haven’t spoken since that night either. I was so mad at him I decided to call Dad to find out how Ryan was. Dad wasn’t around when the fight took place but he wasn’t happy to hear about it, or with Ryan. I felt if Ryan were anyone else Dad would have fired him.