Page 145 of Ruthless Hunter

“More. I’ll do it even more.” His tone is deep with conviction, brimming with love. He lifts his head and touches my face. “You are everything to me. Everything. Thank you for choosing me.”

Those words capture my heart all over again. “Thank you for choosing me, too.”

“Always and forever. You are mine, Luna.”

“And you’re mine.”

“I am.”


Today is Luna’s first pregnancy scan.

It's her dating scan, so we’ll know her due date.

I still can’t believe I’m going to be a father and we get to experience this magical time together. I already loved Luna more than life itself, but now that she’s carrying my baby, I love her even more.

We’re in the dimly lit ultrasound room of the doctor’s clinic.

Luna is lying on the bed, and I’m at her side holding her hand.

Dr. Carlton has just covered Luna’s tummy with some gel and is now feeling over the area with her scanning device.

Dr. Carlton is one of my parents’ friends, so she comes highly recommended by them.

My parents were ecstatic to hear the baby news.

Luc might have been the first of the Le Blanche boys to get married, but I’ll be the first one to have a baby.

My mother cried tears of joy and has been either calling daily or finding some excuse to visit. If it’s not Mom or Dad at the house, it’s Emily and Layla.

God knows what everyone will be like when the baby comes.

God knows what I’ll be like if I’m already so protective of my woman and my child even if he or she isn’t here with me yet.

But I absolutely can’t wait.

Over the years, I’ve tried to forget that last time I was in a room like this with Alexis.

I was the same age Luna is now, and I knew I wanted to be the best father I could ever be.

That time wasn’t meant to be. I know that now, even if I can still hear that tiny little heartbeat.

I’ve decided I don’t want to forget it. It will be as much a part of me as today is.

I stare at my wife, loving her even more.

It’s hard to believe a life is growing inside her tiny body.

We watch the screen of the monitor holding our breaths. The only sound in the room is the gentle hum of the machine and the shuffle of Dr. Carlton’s footsteps.

"There it is," she announces with a smile in her voice, as the pulsating heartbeat of our child fills the room.

A wave of emotion crashes over me, amplifying the fierce love I have for them both.

“Oh my God.” Luna squeezes my hand tighter, meeting my gaze with tears in her eyes. "That’s our baby."

“Our baby.” I smile down at her feeling my own tears swell in my soul.