Chapter Thirty-Four


Andrew’s team advanced to the Stanley Cup Final after the Conference Finals. With three wins under their belt, a victory in this game would secure the Cup for them.

We’re still waiting for a final agreement on how to resolve Terry’s contract, but I’m not as worried. Andrew is dead set on retiring and his new lawyer is working to get him the best deal to get out of Terry’s contract.

The school year ended just in time for the next game in the Stanley Cup Final, so Ali is here with us in Boston.

We’re just eating popcorn with Andrew in front of the hotel’s big screen, while I am on a video call with Dan.

“Dan, you should call mom about this.” I scratch my head, feeling awkward. “She knows more about relationships than I do.”

“No, it has to be you. You are friends with Carla, right?” he begs me. “Please speak to her.”

I sigh, my heart aching for him, but I’m not sure what I can do. “Dan, I treat her politely because she was going to be my sister-in-law, but I don’t think she considers me her friend,” I say. “And what should I say? Please don’t give up on marrying my stupid brother because he’s a doofus?”

I say it lightly to try to make him laugh, but I fail miserably.

Dan sobs. It’s not the first time I’ve seen him crying over a woman, like when Lana Youngers refused to be his prom date, but it’s the first time he has asked for my help.

“Okay, I’m sorry, Dan. That attempt to lighten up this moment failed miserably. Again, why not mom?” I continue, frowning so hard I’ll look forty before I even turn thirty.

He sighs, then clears his throat, and then confides, “Carla doesn’t like mom. Says she’s too meddlesome. She likes you, though. She thinks you’re strong raising a child while being a single mom and all.”

“Oh,” I lean back, with a warm smile. “Well, I’m flattered.”

“Just send her a message, okay?” Dan begs me again. “Tell her I’m sorry, and I’ll put more effort into my faith.”

“Alright, you win,” I say, and on the other side of the line, Dan finally gives me a small smile. “I’ll send her a message right now. I’ll tell you if she replies.”

“Thank you.”

Calmer, Dan bids me goodbye. I look at Andrew and Alissa, and he has a hand over her shoulder while she digs her hand deep into the popcorn tin.

Noticing my phone call is over, Andrew turns to me with a mouthful and asks, “What happened to Dan?”

“Ugh, you don’t wanna know,” I sigh and go join them.

“Tell me anyway. I’m offended he didn’t ask for my help,” he says, tapping his side on the carpet for me to sit there.

I frown. “Carla doesn’t think Dan takes church seriously and she is threatening to call off the wedding.”

“But Aunt Carla will still be my aunt, right?” Alissa interjects, tearing her gaze from the TV cartoon to join our conversation.

“Not if they don’t get married, sweet pea,” I explain to her.

“We gotta help him.” He quickly stands up to go grab his phone. “What’s Carla’s number?”

I give it to him. I have no idea what’s on his mind, but anything is better than seeing Dan ugly cry at every family function from now on.

He sits in between us and prepares the phone for a video call with Dan.

Dan takes a while to pick up, but when does, it’s with the face of someone who just cried all day.

“Hi, Uncle Dan!” Alissa is the first one to shout, which at least puts a small smile on his face.

“Hi, Ali,” Dan says, then turns to me and Andrew. “Hey Emily, hey Andrew.”