I’m usually on top of things at work and a bit of a stern manager, which is something I’m proud of, but today I was so distracted.

Andrew is back?

I had to force myself not to text my brother for constant updates, but it was hard to focus, especially when the newscaster on the sports channel playing in our store kept talking about how Chicago’s NHL golden boy was officially coming back home today.

Dan doesn’t know about what happened between Andrew and me. He only knows that we took each other to our proms, and he has enough resentment over that. He never liked how close I was to his best friend.

My mind is going nonstop with thoughts of when I’ll see him again.

Remember, you have moved on. Alissa has a stable life. Don’t do anything to mess that up.

My head agrees, but my heart fluttered every time I saw his face on that screen.

Mom and I are now at Pedro’s. We’ve been here for the last fifteen minutes, and the woman has zero patience.

“Mom, put the phone down. Dad will be here any minute.” I repeat that for what feels like the millionth time, but she pays me no mind.

“Aren’t you worried about your daughter?” she chides me.

“I trust dad.”

I force her to put the phone down.

“I’m sure they’re safe, plus her karate event at school just barely ended a half hour ago, and you know how Alissa loves to talk to all her friends. They are probably still at the school.”

Mom huffs but leaves her phone alone. My dad is with Alissa right now, my daughter and my little ray of sunshine. She just turned five and every second that I live I feel like I love her more.

She is the one good thing I had in my life after Andrew left. She and the job Dan gave me, which is the first steady position I’ve ever had.

It’s because of my job that I wasn’t at my daughter’s karate championship though. I didn’t get off until it was over, so I just headed straight to Pedro’s, where my family is meeting for dinner.

I had to manage the store alone so Dan could go waste his time with Andrew, which is how I found out he was in town, but I can’t complain too much. I’m just happy to have a good job.

I look around, taking in the exposed brick walls and dimly lit area and cozy atmosphere. I lean back against the back of the booth where we are sitting, just listening to the subtle hum of conversation around us and the clinking cutlery. I take deep breaths and try to relax, but that doesn’t last long.

Before long, I feel mom’s gaze on me.

“What is it, mom?”

She sighs, “Look, honey. Why don’t we address the elephant in the room?”

I look around the room pretending I don’t know what she’s talking about.

She grabs my hand. “Em, he’s back. You need to tell him.”

My heart races and I feel my face flush. I just shake my head, unable to speak.

“Emily, you know this boy has responsibilities with you.”

“No, he doesn’t mom,” I mutter under my breath. “I took care of myself, and he never once looked back to ask me how I was doing.”

Mom shakes her head yet again and points a finger up for the waiter to see. “Waiter!” she calls, “Another mimosa, please.”

Mom is the only one who knows my secret… that Alissa is Andrew’s, and I’m dead set on keeping it that way.

We drink another set of mimosas and I cut mom off when she tries to argue with me. I will the alcohol to calm my nerves and beating heart.

I’m lost in thought wondering when I’ll see Andrew again. I mean, Dan saw him today. It’s just going to be a matter of time, right?