Prologue - Six Years Ago


Iwish it was Andrew taking me to prom.

I sigh as I look myself over in the bathroom mirror. I love my pink dress, cinched at the waist with a princess flare at the bottom.

A few curly tendrils of my dark hair fall free from the braided bun.

My crush on Andrew began when my brother brought him home from school all those years ago.

We never officially dated, but we were always close growing up. Three years ago, he had chosen me, a freshman, to be his senior prom date. As captain of the high school hockey team and the most popular and hottest guy in school, he could have gone with anyone.

Nothing ever happened between us, except me giving him an innocent kiss on the corner of his lips. I never thought anything could ever top that.

And now it’s my senior prom and I’m standing here wishing it will be him taking me.

But that’s impossible. He’s playing for a minor league hockey team and he’s so busy. I shake my head, enjoying the bounces my curly strands make.

The doorbell rings and I paste a smile on my face, ready to receive Patrick Shire. He’s cute but I can’t help but feel a pang of disappointment.

“Honey, you won’t believe who is here!” My mom’s voice calls out and reaches me here in my bathroom.

What is it with proms and moms?

I head downstairs and have to grip the railing when I see who is at the door waiting for me in a tux, a heart melting grin on his face, and a fancy corsage in one hand.

“Andrew?” I ask in disbelief.

Did I just wish you into existence?

His hearty laugh jolts me out of my fog. “Are you going to welcome me inside or not, Emily Mitchell?”

I throw my head back and laugh, jolting downstairs and into his arms.

My mom is busy snapping pictures. It’s too bad that dad is resting in another room and not feeling well. He’d love to see Andrew, who he used to coach in high school.

“What are you doing here?” My eyes blink rapidly as he puts the corsage on my wrist.

His mischievous eyes meet mine, and I get lost in those baby blues. I wipe away a strand of his dark hair out of his eyes and then poke him.

“Ow, what was that for?”

I shrug. “I had to know if you were real. I mean, I’m beyond happy and all, but what are you doing here? How…”

His blue eyes twinkle as he laughs. “I told Mr. Shire his services were no longer needed tonight.”

Before I can ask him anything else, mom is ordering us around for poses to take photos. My heart is beating so fast I wonder if they can both hear it.

And before I realize it, mom is pushing us out the door with a wave and a wink, and Andrew is holding my hand as he leads me to his red Mustang.

The entire night is perfect, and I try to take it all in as it’s happening. Andrew is a true gentleman. Throughout the night, we dance, laugh, and seamlessly slip back into the comfort of our shared memories. We talk about the countless summer evenings we spent with friends until the early hours and all the deep conversations we used to have that stretched well into the night.

He also tells me about how much he loves hockey and alludes to a secret he wants to share with me.

“What is it?” I ask breathlessly as we smile for the prom photo.

He just smiles his smug smile and I know I’ll have to wait.