Maybe it would be good. Ambercould feel the pain of Sinead’s death somewhere deep inside her, along with thefeeling that she should be doing something about it. If she couldn’t be on theground here hunting for the killer, then she needed to do something else, andthis was a chance to do something that might save lives.
Amber looked over to Agent Palliserand nodded. “We’ll take the case.”
“Good,” Palliser said. “Keystone isabout an hour’s drive away. I’ll tell the local PD to meet you at the crimescene.”
Amber and Simon hurried out of theconference room.
“Grab your laptop and your go bag,”Simon said. “I’ll drive us down there. If we’re lucky, I’ll have us in Keystonebefore noon.”
Amber nodded and ran off to grabwhat she needed. Already, she could feel the questions starting to form at theback of her mind about what they would find out in the small town. What was thepuzzle that had been left along with Alice Chan’s body? What had happened toher? Why had someone decided that she had to die?
And if the local PD were right andthis was a serial killer, how long would they have before he struck again?
As they drove into Keystone, Amber couldn’thelp feeling a little nervous. She and Simon were being plunged into thissituation almost cold, with very little information.
“Is there anything else in thefiles?” Simon asked as he drove.
Amber shook her head. “A little.Cause of death preliminarily established as drowning. There are some crimescene photographs showing… they look like a mixture of astrological symbols tome. Other than that, it’s still too soon for everything to have been properlyupdated. I think we’re going to have to get most of the information on theground from the local PD and the coroner.”
“Which could go either way,” Simonsaid, with a note of worry in his voice.
“You don’t think they’ll cooperatewith us?” Amber asked, a little surprised by that.
Simon shrugged as he continued todrive. “They called us in, so I have every hope that they will, but you knowthat these situations can be complicated. People want cases for themselves, anddon’t like outside help.”
“Are you talking about the KeystonePD or about Mallory?” Amber asked.
“Mallory shouldn’t keep trying topush you out,” Simon said. “But I was talking about the locals.”
“Thank you for helping with him,”Amber said, giving Simon a look of gratitude.
“Amber, you’re my partner. I wasalways going to help.”
“Is that all I am?” Amber asked. Giventhat they’d kissed, surely they were more than that?
“I… you know it’s complicated,Amber,” Simon said. “I feel… I’m pretty sure I feel all the things you’refeeling right now. But we are partners, and Palliser’s not big onrelationships within the department. Plus, we have a case to solve.”
“So you’re hoping that somewhere inall of this, an answer magically appears to the question of whether we shouldbe together?” Amber asked.
Simon raised an eyebrow. “I canhope, can’t I?”
He laughed afterwards, making itclear that he wasn’t being serious, but Amber was still wondering what they woulddo about their relationship. Did they even have a relationship? One kissdidn’t necessarily mean any more than a single moment of weakness, but Amberwasn’t sure that she wanted to leave it at that, especially not with thefeelings of attraction that rushed through her every time she looked at Simon.
Amber pushed those down, forcingherself to look out of the window instead. Keystone was a little larger thanshe’d expected, hugging the Atlantic coast, with broad streets with treeslining many of them. The buildings looked old, although some had been torn downfor more modern developments to spring up in between them like mushrooms. Amberthought she spotted a more industrial area sitting on the fringes.
The building they drove to was atthe edge of a college campus on the west of the town. It was a large space, andthrough the windows, Amber could just make out a swimming pool within. A singlepolice car was pulled up in front, crime scene tape cordoning off the building.Amber saw a few people out in front of it. Some of them looked like students,but Amber could also make out at least a couple who looked like reporters,covering the ongoing story.
“I’ll pull up as close as I can,”Simon said. “But we’re still going to have to run the gauntlet.”
Amber nodded. She was used to thisby now. She could do this. Even so, as Simon pulled up, she took a deep breath.
She and Simon left the car, andalmost instantly, they were surrounded by people who had obviously guessed thatthe FBI had arrived. The people around them started asking questions, shoutingthem out, from every side. Some were students, demanding to know what was goingon. The questions from the reporters were more direct.
“Agents, what can you tell us aboutAlice Chan’s death?”
“Agents, does the fact that you’rehere mean that this is a serial killer? Are the people of this town in danger?”