Page 92 of Captured

I lifted my gaze to his, to that animalistic rage that rippled deep inside, and my arms tightened around him.

“Hands over your ears, baby.” He urged.

I wrapped my elbows around him, my palms clamped over my ears.

“Ready!” Carven yelled. “Five…four…three…two…BOOM!”

I screamed with the sound. Not because of the blast, but because my future was in that cell. The moment the dust and the smoke started to fall, I tore away from Riven, dipped under his hold, and raced forward, to that dark, frigid cell.

“Ryth!” I screamed and raced for the blown open door. “RYTH!”

Carven caught me the moment I plunged inside.

His icy blue eyes fixed on mine. He was so…mechanical. So ruthless. So uncaring, until he lifted his gaze to the cloud of dust as it settled…and out of that murky gloom came Tobias, carrying my sister in his arms.

Only then did the Son let me go.

I tore out of his hold. “Ryth! Is she alive? IS SHE ALIVE?”

Tobias stumbled, but his hold around her was like a rock, cradling her against his chest.

She coughed, her hand going to her mouth before she wrapped her arms around her stepbrother.

“Oh, God…oh, thank God.” I gasped, coming to a stop in front of them.

Ryth turned her gaze my way and reached her dainty hand to me.

“Get her out of here.” Carven ordered, pointing up ahead. “There’s a small tunnel that way.” He pointed the way we’d been heading. “It takes you around the front of the property and comes out near the driveway.”


Another detonation rocked the tunnel, casting dust and rocks from the cracked ceiling up ahead.

“Carven!” A roar came in the darkness.

We all stared as in the distance came Colt…and beside him London.

“London?” Carven took a step forward.

The tunnel rumbled, shaking and shuddering. Behind us in the gloom something went crash!

“Look out!” Riven roared.

I was hit from behind and lifted. Everything happened in a blur. Panic. Power. Riven swung me around and out of the path as part of the tunnel ceiling dropped and smashed against the floor in the exact same spot where I’d been standing.

“Fuck!” Tobias looked up, searching the ceiling of the now fragile tunnel we stood in.

But London didn’t search for the next falling missile. He scowled, looking at his cell. The screen was alight. Even from here I could see message after message scrolling.

“We’re getting her out.” Tobias stepped over the rubble, with Nick following, striding ahead.

“You’d better hurry.” Carven muttered, staring at London as he lifted the cell to his ear. “What is it?”

London shook his head, wrenching the cell away to snarl. “There’s like ten fucking voicemails from Guild, but there’s no fucking reception.”

In an instant, Colt paled. He shook his head as both London and Carven looked at him.

“What is it?” I stepped forward as my stomach sank. “What is it?”