Page 85 of Captured


The second detonation was even louder, as though someone was doing their best to bring the entire place to the ground. The only problem was…we were deep in the belly of the beast…searching for a way out.

“We have to go.” Riven’s voice was emotionless and cold.

But I knew different. I knew him.

He reached out and grasped my hand in his. “We have to go NOW.”

All four of us swiveled, turning around as the wine bottles bounced and shuddered, some sliding from the shelves sunk into the walls.




But as we lunged back towards the only other way out of there, a roar came out of the dark tunnel the way we were headed. The deep, male sound was almost unrecognizable.

Until it wasn’t…

Riven suddenly stopped, jerking me to a standstill. As Kane and Thomas kept running, leaving us behind, he turned his head.

“Riven?” I whispered. “Is that…?”

His strong fingers unfurled from around my hand and he stepped away. As the crashing wine bottles grew into a shattering crescendo, he said the words which filled me with dread. “That’s my brother…” he met my stare. “It’s Hunter.”




Agony ripped through me. My body shuddered and trembled as four hundred volts of electricity tore through my muscles. My spine bowed, contracting so tightly, white sparks detonated behind my eyes until something in my neck went crack.

That white was neon.



Until the washed-out haze slowly darkened to the gritty dark gray cell they kept me in.

“You sure are a big bastard.” My tormentor growled, sucking in hard breaths.

The thud…thud…thud of his steps broke through the panicked racing of my heart. A heart that was shuddering and booming in my chest. My head hung low, and drool slipped from my lips. I couldn’t withstand this…not for much longer.

He gripped my hair and yanked, forcing my head upwards. Those dark eyes blurred as they fixed on me. I could barely make out his face. But his voice…no, that was something I’d never forget.

“You’re a tough sonofabitch, just like she told me you would be. But I’ve had tougher. I’ve seen a man take this for weeks, until his mind snapped and he became…he became…something else.”

My head rolled, until the darkness ate away more than the edges of the room.

“No, you don’t.” He shook my head, the crunch in my neck stabbing. “You wake the fuck up. I’m not done with you, not by a long shot.”

But I couldn’t.

I knew that.