Page 80 of Captured

I squeezed the trigger as the guard who’d held them prisoner took aim. The shot hit him in the shoulder, spinning him.

I shoved a woman aside. “Get the fuck out of my way!”

All I cared about was finding her. I yanked and shoved as those who came to sate their depraved needs ran for their lives.

“Find the Daughters!”

I jerked my gaze to the roar as I was slammed and knocked sideways. As I straightened, so did the assassin in black. He stared at me with the same empty, detached stare Carven had minutes ago. That same shiver of fear found me. I glanced at the others he’d come with, knowing instantly what they were.

“You.” The Son turned his attention back to Helene, huddled on the floor under the table. “Come with me.”

“No,” I growled, shaking my head as I strode forward, putting myself between him and her. “She doesn’t belong to you. This one is mine.”

Kane and Thomas stumbled forward, pushing in to stand next to me while chaos raged all around us.

“She is a Daughter, isn’t she?” The Son looked from me to her.

“Not yours, she isn’t,” Kane stated. “There’s more.” He gave a jerk of his head toward the stage. “Where she came from.”

The Son glanced at the stage, then turned back again., that merciless stare finding Helene who still huddled, seemingly unaware, on the floor.

“She doesn’t belong to you,” I repeated, imploring him with a stare.

I knew without a doubt that if he wanted her, there was nothing I or my brothers could do to stop it. I just prayed he didn’t.

He scowled, then took a step backwards as the sound of gunfire started in that room behind the curtain.

“You’d better hurry,” Kane urged. “Sounds like they could do with a savior.”

There was a curl of the Son’s lip before he spun on his heel and lunged away.

A hard heavy breath tore out of me with a whoosh. I sucked in the air and strode forward, bending down to pull Helene up from the floor. “It’s me…Helene, it’s me!”

I wasn’t at all sure she heard me, she was staring at me as though she couldn’t see a goddamn thing. Those motherfucking bastards. The last thing I wanted to do was manhandle her. Fuck knows she’d had enough of that to last her a goddamn lifetime. But there was no time to worry about that now. I needed to get her out of there…and fast.

I grabbed her as gently as I could, pulling her up from the floor as others trampled around us. “Come on, Trouble.”

“Baby.” I slid my hands to her cheeks and stared into her eyes. “Can you hear me?”

She looked as though she didn’t hear a thing.

For a second, I thought I’d lost her…until slowly, she lifted her gaze and those dark brown eyes met mine.

“You came,” she said softly. I’d never been decimated by two simple words…until now.

My chest throbbed with the ache as I cupped her perfect face. “I will always come for you, Helene. Do you hear me? I will always come.”

She swallowed hard and as though my words released some kind of spell, I saw life once again move into her eyes.

“Can you walk?” Kane asked her, then met my stare. “We need to get out of here.”

Helene just nodded. I turned around, scanning the decimated tables and chairs before I grabbed a black suit jacket from the ground and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

But there was no way we were heading where those vile motherfuckers crushed each other in an attempt to get through the single door.

“Come on.” I pulled her against me and scanned the way I’d come. I’d rather take my chances with anyone else than with the Sons of The Order. But right now there weren’t a whole lot of fucking options. “Stay close,” I urged and pulled her with me back toward the stage.

I scanned what remained of the crowd as I stepped over a woman who was dead and the pathetic bastard next to her, searching for any sign of Coulter. Part of me wanted to see those stony fucking eyes fixed wide as he lay amongst the dead. But he wasn’t anywhere I could see as I turned and lifted Helene up onto the stage.