Page 78 of Captured

Only the beating of an unconscious man.

Then those two men turned toward me…and I knew instantly who they were.

The Sons.

My breath left me as Carven bent down, disappearing for a second before he rose, then came toward me. A card was pressed against the door, letting it open with a hiss.

“Please,” I whispered, pulling on the cuffs. “Get me out of here.”

“Where is London?” Carven stepped closer, those intense blue eyes fixed on me.

It took me a second to understand what he was saying. I shook my head, drawing a curl of his lip. He stepped closer until he stood right in front of me. “I said, where the fuck is London?”

“I don’t know,” I croaked. “We were drugged, knocked out, and when I came to…”

He turned instantly, striding away, leaving me behind.

“Wait!” I roared, stopping him at the door.

He didn’t care about me. He cared about little, that was easy to see. Programmed since birth, then trained to be the perfect killer, his loyalty could never be bought. It was earned. London St. James had earned it and so had their daughter, Vivienne.


That voice inside my head whispered.

They knew what had happened within the walls of The Order. They knew what I did to the woman they loved. The woman carrying their children. One wrong word and he would run that blade across my neck and leave me hanging like a side of beef.

Still I had to try.

“They’ll rape her again,” I pleaded. “They’ll rape her and it’ll be all my fault. I know you owe me nothing, less than nothing. But I’m begging you. I’m begging you with all I have left. Please let me fight for her.”

“And die?” the Son asked, then slowly turned. “Would you die for her? Would you sacrifice your kin…your blood…your fucking soul?”

He took one step toward me.

I knew that was how he felt about Vivienne, that complete annihilation of everything he ever was and ever could be until there was nothing left but one driving need.

The need to protect her.

The need to love her.

Even if she never loved me back.

“Yes,” I answered as though there was only ever one answer. “Yes, I’d die. Yes, I’d do whatever it took. Kill me, give me a gun. I’ll be her weapon until my last breath.”

Something primal raged in the Son’s blue eyes.

He turned around, leaving the room, and my heart dropped…until he stopped, bent over, then rose and returned, stopping just inside the door. “Live or die, I don’t care. I would’ve come for you anyway after what you did to what belongs to me. But now…now I’m thinking I might let you live just so I can watch the utter destruction you’ll unleash.”

He tossed something through the air. Metal glinted under the lights as they sailed through the air. They were keys…Jesus CHRIST THEY WERE KEYS! I lunged forward, my mouth opening as wide as I could and gnashed down hard, catching the cold metal between my teeth.

“Good luck, Principal. But don’t think this is over between us. You will still pay for what you did to the woman we love. You face us with honesty and remorse and you might just survive.”

I’d never felt true fear before.

Not the kind that rendered you unable to think. All I could do was hold his gaze with the keys clamped between my teeth, then slowly nod.

That fire in my throat flared as I swallowed. Then they were gone, stepping over the bodies of the guards in the hallway and lunged, slipping from view.