Page 76 of Captured

Two more of the guards came out from behind the curtain. One I might’ve had a chance with…but two of them? There was no way I was getting out of that. They closed in, each one grabbing an arm. I kicked and screamed, throwing my body.

“RIVEN!” The name ripped from the depths of my soul. “No…no…no. Riven! RIVEN!”

They dragged me back to the stage past the guard still on the floor as he held his knee. My head snapped backwards as they wrenched me to the edge of the stage.

“As you can see,” the bitch continued with a snarl. “There’s still plenty of fight left in her. Do we have a bid higher than three million?”

“Three point five,” someone called out.

“Four,” Coulter called, those dark eyes fixed on mine. “Four million dollars.”

The bitch turned her head. “Four million dollars? Surely, we can do better than that. How about we parade Ms. King around…let everyone see exactly what they’re purchasing?”

Cold washed through me. I shook my head, yanking against the guards’ grips. “No…no.”

“Get her down,” she commanded. “Let's see if she’s worth four million.”

I bucked and dug my heels in, sliding against the stage as they dragged me toward the edge and with one hard shove, pushed me off.

I fell, my arms windmilling before I hit the floor. My knees buckled, dropping me. Agony flared, driving thunder through my head, making my thoughts even foggier with the drug.

My memories were still fragments.

Fragments and feelings. Both were just as terrifying as I pushed myself upwards and searched for an escape. Men and women stared at me, their beady glinting eyes full of ravenous hunger. The kind that made me sick.


Heavy steps hit the floor beside me. I lunged the other way and careened into a round table, knocking flutes of champagne over. Drinks spilled but there were no cries of outrage.


It was almost as though they expected it.

A cry tore free as I pushed away and ran, throwing myself right as more guards came from the edges of the room and made their way toward me. I searched for a weapon…anything I could use.

A grunt came before I was hit from behind and slammed forward, landing hard on a table in the middle of the room. Glasses flew sideways, flickering candles were snuffed out as I grasped the table to keep from falling and lifted my head.

Two men sat side by side. Their hands bound behind them. Guns were pointed at their heads.

“Helene?” one called my name.

He was familiar….so very familiar. “Kane?” I whispered, his name coming through that gray fog inside my head.

“Get her over here,” my handler called.

I was yanked from the table, then dragged backwards. Memories slammed into me as I was pushed around to the other side of the table and forced to bend over it.

My face was slammed against the cold, hard surface. Tears came as I bucked, fighting against their hold.

Get her to the table…

Those chilling words found me. Resounding over and over and over in my head. Get her to the table. Get her to the table. Get her…I remembered now. Remembered their hands holding my legs open as greedy fingers were pushed inside.

“No! Get the FUCK OFF HER!” Kane roared, throwing himself forward. “Stop this now…I SAID STOP THIS NOW!”

Tears blurred their faces as I was held down, my hair fisted in a cruel grip as they kicked my legs apart.

“No!” I bucked, but the force of the grip smashed my cheek against the table.