Page 73 of Captured

The glass door closed with a thud.

Then she was gone.

I screamed for her. Screamed and lunged against my cuffs until I lost feeling in my hands and my voice was hoarse. But she never came back…she left me alone. And all those vile things I’d ever done came rushing back to me. Images filled my mind, images of what they would do to the woman I loved…

I dropped hard, hanging by my wrists alone as thick, heavy sobs filled me.

There was nothing they could do to me that was worse than this.

Nothing that would ever compare to my own…private…Hell.

Because, I’d done this.

I’d done it all.



I stumbled as they led me and the other Daughters along the hallway to a set of stairs, then climbed them to enter an expansive room, one lined with beauty stations and high chairs.

“Let’s get you ready, shall we?” the redhead murmured, holding my arm.

I grabbed hold of the chair I was led to, climbed onto the seat, and closed my eyes. My head was still slow and swimming, my thoughts faded and too far away for me to grasp.

“Easy now,” someone said.

I cracked open my eyes and watched someone dressed in white lean over and push a needle into a Daughter’s arm, before pulling the plunger free. A nod from the redhead and he moved on to the next Daughter, disposed of the last needle and picked up a fresh one. That didn’t feel right. I shifted to the Daughter who’d just been given the drug as her eyes rolled back in her head.

My hands trembled as I pushed up from the seat. “Wait…” I slurred, and lurched forward.

But the male nurse was already pushing the plunger all the way to the hilt, glancing up into the Daughter’s eyes. But her eyes didn’t close like the other one’s had. Nor did she seem to slump into a washed-out delirium. No, instead her eyes shot open so wide I thought they’d burst. In an instant she lunged, unleashing the most terrifying banshee shriek I’d ever heard.

I stumbled backwards, narrowly missing them. But the redhead was hit so hard she flew backwards. Only it was the male nurse who took the brunt of her attack, falling backwards to land on the floor. She was on him in a blur, clawing his face and screaming.

My stomach clenched as she shoved her fingers into his eyes. One came free with a sickening pop. Then she wasn’t the only one screaming. His roars were just as deafening, making the other Daughters in the room scramble backwards, pressing their backs against the wall.

The redhead and her guard tried their best to drag the Daughter free, but she was past the point of being in control of anything.

She clawed his face, tearing shreds of skin free until her focus fixed on the syringe in his hand. With a scream, she pried it free from his grip. There was no stopping her, no fighting it as she yanked it free, lifting it over her head. The redhead punched the side of the Daughter’s head, yanking her hair as she tried to pull her free.

Even the guard unleashed a blow, hitting the Daughter in the side of her face. She fell sideways, sliding off the male nurse and into me. My knees buckled with the force, instantly dropping me to the floor and directly in her line of sight. But I wasn’t her target. All she wanted was them.

With another chilling scream, she drove the syringe down with all she had, straight into the nurse’s chest.


Her head snapped toward me. Wetness splattered across my face as the Daughter slumped to the floor. Only the screams didn’t stop, as the nurse clawed his protruding eyeball.


He slumped and his hands dropped to the floor beside him. Terrifying silence rang in my ears as the redhead wiped her hands against her gown and straightened, turning her gaze from the two dead bodies on the floor in front of me.

“Right,” she said, stilling the shake in her tone. “Now that’s taken care of, let’s get back to business.”

One glance my way and she winced, then turned her focus to the others. “You.” She pointed to one. “Over here.”

Another woman stepped in carrying a small bag of makeup. The redhead snapped her gaze her way. “Start with that one. I want them to be perfect.”