Page 70 of Captured

I took a step and stopped as the glint of glass walls swayed.

“Easy now. We’re almost there.” The redhead glanced behind her. “Mel?”

“I’ll be right there,” the other woman murmured. “I have something to take care of first.”

“Hmm. Your call.” The hold around my arm tightened as I was pulled forward again.

I didn’t want to go, didn’t want to leave that man silently screaming in that room. But the more I stood upright, the harder it was to stay like that. I followed her, stumbling, until my knees buckled. I fell sideways, hitting the glass wall before I was grabbed and pulled upright.

“Christ, that shit is strong. Isn’t it, princess?” She grunted, heaving me along the hallway.

The bright lights overhead swam. I couldn’t even answer, just put one foot in front of the other until we came to another room…a room with more women.

“Here we are.” The redhead unlocked the door and pushed it open.

There were two more like her, dressed immaculately in floor-length dresses. One blonde, the other chestnut brown. They rushed forward, grabbing my other arm.

But it was the huddled women dressed in the same red bodysuit I’d worn that held my focus. Remember…why the fuck can’t you remember?

I stumbled forward.


Red lingerie.

Shadows falling across her as we stood in the back of a truck.

My pulse was booming as I yanked my arm free and lurched forward. I had to find her. The young woman…the one I had to protect.

“Looking for someone?” the redhead asked behind me as I staggered toward the women.

I grabbed each one, turning their faces toward me, searching for the one I needed to protect.


I stiffened at the word.

Heels clicked on the hard floor as the redhead stopped beside me.

“You know that word, right?” She brushed the hair over my ear, her tone softening. “Yeah, you know that word. Obey. Control.” She moved close and whispered. “Daughter.”




I yanked, snatching my arms forward. My pulse was a fucking sledgehammer as I screamed and pulled against the steel cuffs around my wrists.

Through the glass window, I saw them in that room, watched helplessly as Helene slumped in the chair. That redheaded bitch turned to the male nurse beside her and gave a nod. There was nothing I could do but watch as they injected something into her veins.

They’re not going to kill her…

The words were cruel fucking comfort as I watched the needle slide from her vein and the male nurse straighten. He left then, slipping out the door to her room, his steps soundless. I couldn’t hear a goddamn thing. Not their voices or anything but the hiss of cold air being pumped into the vents above me. The same fucking vents they’d used to drug us with.

All because of me.
