Page 37 of Captured

London turned on him, scowling. “So where the fuck is Hale?”

Silence filled the space.

No one knew.

“Do we even know for sure if the bastard is still alive?” Nick scanned every face.

There was silence for a second.

“I’ve had text messages, but that’s it,” Riven answered. I knew even revealing that was hard for him. Riven wasn’t one to share information…or anything else.

“So no real proof of life?” London stared at Riven.

The Principal gave a shake of his head.

“Jesus,” Caleb muttered. “This is a goddamn twisted ball of knots.”

“Which we’re unraveling one strand at a time,” Nick finished.

“If you know of another way,” Hunter said, “I’m all ears.”

That was the problem. They didn’t. No one did.

No one had a goddamn idea when it came to Hale or his festering pit of vipers. The only man who did wasn’t here. A pang of pain tore through my chest. No, it seemed like my father had far more important things to take care of.

That icy nagging feeling wore at the pit of my stomach.

“So when does this go down?” London asked.

“Tomorrow, midnight. That should give them enough time to tear the city apart looking for them when we drive calmly through their gates.”

I could see it now. The truck full of Daughters and us pulling into an empty compound after every mercenary in the state had been hired to find us.

“We’ll be ready,” Vivienne answered.

London’s gaze snapped her way, as did Colt and Carven’s.

“No,” London shook his head. “No goddamn way. You’re sitting this one out, Wildcat.”

“Sure I am.” She gave him a soft smile and reached up to ruffle his hair before she wrapped her arms around him. Those dark brown eyes cut my way. Under that soft, agreeable tone was a look of pure rage. My sister wasn’t about to sit back and just let this all happen, pregnant or not. She was going to see this through…one way or another.

“Both of you are,” Nick glared at Ryth.

My sisters looked at each other.

“Sure, Nick,” Ryth answered. “Whatever you say, honey.”

Nick just scowled as Riven shifted to the side and looked my way.

“Open your mouth, Riven, and I will tear your tongue out,” I muttered.

He stayed quiet. Smart man.

Only, as my sisters’ lovers crowded around them, I felt a sense of…emptiness. How could I feel complete when the one person I’d loved my entire life wasn’t here?

“Did Dad say anything?” I asked.

I caught the wince from Ryth. She was the youngest and more connected to our father than Viv was. So, if anyone knew anything, it was her.