Page 150 of Captured

Hunter pulled the vehicle onto a dirt track that headed deeper into the forest that surrounded the estate. The moment we were in deep enough, he killed the engine, and we all climbed out.

Memories assaulted me. This was the last place I wanted to be.

“Trouble.” Riven called quietly. “Next to me, baby.”

This time, I never argued, just made for his side. Hunter and Thomas moved up front. Kane walked behind. My feet refused to cooperate, scuffing the dirt and the leaves as though my body physically repelled this place and all it stood for.

But I forced myself to keep going, to push through the last line of trees to what was left of the mansion. In the light of day, it looked so much worse. There were cracks in the earth, massive, gaping holes you could almost drive a car through.

My gaze went to the entrance of that tunnel where Coulter had forced me to stand and watch while he detonated the bombs which had almost killed the men I loved. My fists clenched and that shell-shocked, violent part of my nature rose to the surface. “Let’s just find that thing and get out of here.”

“Sounds fucking perfect to me,” Riven snapped.

I knew he felt that murderous hunger too.

We made our way along the side of the destruction, stepping over hunks of walls and onto shattered glass until we rounded the corner. Thomas looked up, found the open windows high above us, and tracked forward.

“It has to be around here.” He said. “It’s a large map, there’s no way you could miss it.”

A sound came from inside. We stiffened, and stopped. Both Hunter and Riven lifted their guns, ready to take out anyone who tried to stop us.

“Hurry,” Riven muttered. “Find the damn thing and let’s get out of here.”

We moved, bending low to move debris aside. It took us too long. Inch after inch, we scoured the ground until Kane heaved a hunk of wood aside and stopped. “Here,” He called, “I have it.”

Thomas rushed forward and the rest of us crowded in.

It was a map, like a lot of others I’d seen before, only this one was torn and sodden in one corner. Kane picked it up carefully as a heavy thud came from inside the house once more.

“We need to leave.” Hunter watched for movement. “Now.”

I stepped backwards with the others, then turned and hurried for the covering of the trees once more. We didn’t stop until we got back to the Hummer. By the time we got to the vehicle, I was out of breath.

“Show us.” Riven turned, reaching for the map.

Kane handed it over. They opened the back door of the four-wheel drive and spread the map out.

“Trouble,” Riven called, moving aside. “Is there anything here you recognize?”

My pulse boomed at the sight of the thing. At first, I couldn’t make anything of the hard lines and structure marks, until I lifted my gaze to the elegant scrawl and the name at the top.

King’s New Order.

“No.” I shook my head and stumbled backwards, swiveling to run.

I barely took a step before my knees buckled.

“Easy.” Hands gripped me, holding me upright.

I lifted my gaze to Hunter’s tortured stare. “No…no. It can’t be.”

No one said a thing.

All that time.

My entire GODDAMN LIFE! He had played with us.

He had played with me…