Page 138 of Captured

That was love. The feeling of overwhelming desire and the need to be with them. Love reminded me to compromise. I’d had to learn that lesson hard when I’d found my sisters. I wanted them in my life. Just like I wanted these men. A new need filled me as Riven rounded the open back door of the Explorer.

“Easy now,” he urged, sliding me along the seat as Hunter climbed in through the other side and reached for me.

He towered over me, curling his big frame to pull me onto his lap. “You scared the hell out of me back there,” he murmured, his gaze fixed on the house as Thomas climbed in behind me and Riven and Kane slid into the front seats.

I lifted my gaze to the hard line of his jaw, remembering the last time I’d seen him, being attacked in that room in the underground tunnel. “You scared me too.”

He lowered his focus to mine as the front doors closed and the four-wheel drive pulled away from that place. Thomas reached for my hand. I took his, curling my body on Hunter’s lap so I could face him as well.

My pulse raced and my body trembled, but still, this felt like home. Right there. With them. We didn’t need to defend ourselves, we defended each other. My head dropped to Hunter’s chest and I closed my eyes.

We were free.

But we weren’t safe.

Not yet.

Not until the rest of The Order was destroyed.

My thoughts turned to Melody. The sister these men had given up their lives to find. But she wasn’t the woman they’d thought they knew.

You belong to the New Order now. The words spilled from my lips.

“What did you say?” Riven snarled.

I opened my eyes, finding his panicked stare in the rearview mirror. “That’s what she said…your sister. That’s what she called it, The New Order.”

The Explorer surged forward, making me bounce as we crested the rise. Hunter gripped me tighter.

“The New Order, huh?” Hunter murmured.

Only it was the kind of soft, spoken words that sent a chill along my spine. The four-wheel drive braked hard then turned. Tires squealed as we shot out of that fake government compound and headed for the city.

Vivienne, London, and the Sons were long gone, leaving us hurtling toward the sunrise as it peeked around the towering buildings in the distance.

My babies!

Vivienne’s screams resounded my head. “Please, be okay.” I whispered. “Please.”



I pushed the car harder, forcing my foot all the way to the floor. In my head I was still hunting, still desperate to find Hale and that treacherous bitch we once called a sister. I lifted my gaze to Helene, curled up on Hunter’s lap in the back seat, and that savage need for violence returned.

Melody wasn’t our sister. Not anymore.

I focused on the suburban streets and turned onto St. James’ street to find two cars parked sideways at the end of the cul-de-sac. The doors were thrown open, the interior lights on.

“Is this a good idea?” Hunter asked.

I braked hard, pulling up alongside the dark gray Audi and killed the engine.

The answer came from Helene as she pushed across Hunter’s lap and shoved the door wide. She was a blur, lunging across the blinding beams of the headlights. My ruined, bloody shirt flapped wildly behind her.

“That’s your damn answer,” I muttered and pushed open my door, charging after her. “Trouble! Trouble, wait!”

But she didn’t, racing for the open front door a heartbeat behind St. James himself. I flung the door closed and lunged after her, listening to the car doors slam shut behind me. I was through the open front door a second later, grabbing Helene as we passed through the foyer. A bodyguard waited, stepping forward the moment St. James strode through the front door. One glance at the broken fucking look on the male’s face, and I swallowed hard.