Page 133 of Captured

A sickening wave of panic filled me as the headlights from Hunter’s car behind us filled the interior. One of the guards in front of us suddenly stopped running and turned, our headlights blinding him for a second before Colt lunged, slamming into him.

“Stop the car.” I demanded and stabbed my seatbelt release. “I said, stop the goddamn car.”

London braked hard, throwing me forward. I yanked the door handle and shoved. I was airborne before I knew it, desperate for the blows of my boots on the asphalt and the kick of the gun in my hand.

There were guards everywhere. Some turned toward us as Colt attacked with sickening rage, grabbing the guard by the throat and lifting his body into the air.

His barrel chest rose and fell hard with his heavy breaths. Still, that didn’t stop him. He slammed the guard to the ground and drove his fist into the guy’s face with the kind of force you’d expect from a vehicle collision.


Blood spewed everywhere from the guard’s nose and his mouth, it even trickled from the corners of his eyes. I looked away, not needing to see the rest. There was no surviving tonight. Not for them…or for us. Not if they’d hurt the women we loved.

I’d welcome death.

If it meant I’d never live a fucking second without her.

Car doors slammed behind me as I lifted my gun and took aim, squeezing off a shot as one of the mercenaries narrowed in on Carven.


Carven looked over, seeing the guard dropping before he glanced over his shoulder. Those dark blue eyes found me a second before they turned back. He drove forward, pushing himself to sprint toward the house at full speed. Colt was a second behind, leaving the bloody mess he’d made to charge toward his brother.

I couldn’t help but follow.


The gun kicked in my hand as I squeezed off shot after shot. Only I didn’t want to be out here. I glanced at the open front door as Carven plunged through. I wanted to be there.

Find her.

Find. Her.


I unleashed a roar and pushed forward, ducking as gunshots were aimed at us.


Colt never bothered to slow, he just charged, slammed into the half-open door of the house, and was gone.

“Fuck!” I bellowed and ran, racing up the sweeping stairs to the mansion.

Dirt shoe prints were everywhere. The immaculate gardens were now trampled, I saw as I lunged up the last stair and burst through the door.

Screams came from inside the house. A man’s scream…and a woman’s…no. No…not a woman…women.

“I’ll fucking KILL YOU!” Came a shrill cry.

My pulse boomed. I knew that voice. I knew that voice.


I charged forward, slamming into two soldiers as they came from another room in the house.

