Page 128 of Captured

The Son just nodded.

“Then what the fuck are you waiting for?” I urged. “Find them.”



“Owned.” Coulter’s eyes glistened in front of me. “That’s what you are. I own you, Helene. I own every bit of you.” He looked down, trailing his curled fingers down my bare arm. “I can feed you with my drugs. I can tie you to my bed and put a baby in your belly. How does that sound? You want to carry my child? Do you want to feel me riding you every night. I’ll fuck the feel of the Principal out of you. How does that sound? By the time I’m done, you won’t remember him at all. Only me…only…me.”

I fought the tremble, instead fixed on the sight of those words shining in his eyes, the ones splashed across the walls of the room and the spines of the books on the shelves.



Fragments of my past collided with my present, to moments before all this started, when I wasn’t broken, but was the kind of woman who’d led a Son to a boat storage yard to take him out with one savage blow. The one who’d hauled a pack of C4 explosives into The Order, taking out as many guards as I could to rescue a man I loved…once.

Screams pierced my thoughts, causing me to look over to where Vivienne kicked and fought, wrestling two of Coulter’s guards who tried to hold her.

But she refused to be held.

“GET THE FUCK OFF MY SISTER!” She screamed, turning on one of her attackers, driving her fists into his chest, forcing him backwards. He stumbled and his lips curled in a snarl of rage.

Still, I couldn’t move, frozen by those blinding words and the drug that roared in my veins.



Daughter. That was me. I belonged to him, to the one who gripped the back of my neck, forcing me to turn my gaze to his. I opened my mouth as he leaned down and his cold, cruel lips smashed mine against my teeth until my face throbbed with the pain.

“You sonofabitch! YOU SICK SONOFAGODDAMNBITCH!” Vivienne screamed.

Coulter pulled back, still holding my head in place. But in the corner of my eye, I saw her, hissing and fighting like a…wildcat.

“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” She howled, punching and thrashing, driving herself forward in a desperate attempt to get to me.

Because that’s what love looked like.

That’s what love was.

Desperate, and violent and feral.

Just like…Riven…Kane…Thomas…and Hunter. The men trapped in that tunnel. The men who’d died trying to save me.

“FIGHT!” My sister screeched. “HELENE, FIGHT HIM!”

“For Christ's sake! Get her out of here!” Coulter roared.

I didn’t even flinch at his booming voice, didn’t really hear him at all. I was numb, trying to block out the feel of Coulter’s fingers as they dragged back upwards, cupping my breast, kneading the soft flesh to cruelly pinch my nipple.

“Mine,” Coulter murmured as he lowered his head again.

“No…NO!” Vivienne screamed as his men dragged her toward the door. “Why don’t you fight him! HELENE! WHY DON’T YOU FIGHT!”

“Don’t listen to her.” Coulter murmured as the warmth of his mouth closed around my nipple. “Gerard, move the papers on the desk.”

Two of them moved instantly.